Timing Components: Service Precautions
Wear Of Timing Chains, Sprockets, Tensioning And Slide Rails
- Pay strict attention to cleanliness during removal and fitting.
- Lay removed engine parts on a clean base and cover them.
- Coat new parts with new engine oil before installation.
1. For the chain, drive no wear values (such as chain elongation) are specified. Before disassembly, the engine should therefore be run and checked for noises in the chain drive area.
If there are noises in the chain drive area, replacement of the individual parts is recommended.
2. During disassembly, carefully check the spare parts (sprockets, timing chains, tensioning and slide rails) for signs of wear, e.g. abrasion of the sprockets, signs of rubbing on the tensioning and slide rails.
NOTE: If in doubt replace the parts.
Visible symptoms of wear are still permissible, but if the wear is appreciable then the affected parts must be replaced.