Crankshaft Sealing Ring - Replacement Belt Pulley Side
911 (996)10/98 1374
Binder - 1, Engine
Replacing Crankshaft Seal-Belt Pulley Side
Vehicle Type:
911 Carrera (996)
Model Year:
As of 1999 (X)
Replacement of crankshaft sealing ring, belt pulley side.
When installing a replacement crankshaft seal on the belt pulley side, the outer seal surface (the surface that contacts the crankcase) must be coated with "Loctite 574" sealant.
Clean all sealing surfaces before applying sealant.
Parts Information:
Part Number Description
999 113475 40 Crankshaft seal, belt pulley side
PNA 043 010 00 Loctite 574
911 Carrera (996) Technical Manual, Group 1, Repair sections:
10 10 37 - Disassembling and assembling crankcase halves, page 10-21.
13 74 19 - Removing and installing crankshaft sealing ring page 13-33.
This information will be included in the next supplement of the 911 Carrera (996) Technical Manual.