Tires: Application and ID
When replacing summer tires, pay close attention to the tire specification number. The specification characters N1, N2, N3 or N0 distinguish the summer tires specially authorized by Porsche from other models of the same tire type and size.
If new tires are to be mounted or the tires of one axle are to be replaced, tires of the same make and with the same specification code must always be used on each of the two axles. If tires are replaced on one axle only, the different tread depth than on the other axle can cause a noticeable change in the familiar handling. This is especially the case if new tires are mounted on the rear axle. This effect decreases with increasing tire mileage.
When replacing a tire on an axle, make sure that the tread depth of the new tire does not differ from that of the other tire by more than 30%.
Always use new rubber valves when changing tires.