Brake Bleeding: Service and Repair
Bleeding Brake - GT2
The 911 GT2 is equipped with 3-channel ABS (ABS 5.3) without PSM (Porsche Stability Management) and without TC (Traction Control).
- Observe brake-fluid quality. Use only new DOT4 brake fluid.
- The brake-fluid change interval using Super DOT4 brake fluid is two years.
- This brake fluid is available under the following part numbers:
Quantity supplied 1 litre = Container quantity 30 litres =
Bleeding Brakes
For vehicles with extremely high mileage or for very old vehicles, damage to the brake master cylinder can occur and the primary boots can be damaged.
- Double the number of pumping cycles and use only halt of the master brake cylinder stroke.
1. Fill reservoir to its top edge with new brake fluid.
2. Connect a bleeding device to the brake fluid reservoir. Switch on the bleeding device. Bleeding pressure approximately 2.0 bar.
NOTE: Bleed the outer bleeder valve first.
3. Continue bleeding at the brake calipers in the sequence:
Sequence: Rear right / rear left / front left / front right.
4. Open each bleeder valve until clear, bubble-free brake fluid emerges.
5. Use a transparent hose and a collecting bottle to check the escaping brake fluid accurately for cleanliness, lack of air bubbles and to determine the brake fluid used.
After installing a new brake master cylinder and/or a new hydraulic unit, do the following while bleeding:
- Open the right rear bleeder valves, then fully depress the brake pedal several times.
- Hold for 2 - 3 seconds after each depression, then release slowly.
- Repeat this procedure in the sequence rear left/front right/front left. This will remove all air bubbles (from the primary circuit).
NOTE: Also carry out this procedure if the brake hydraulics was largely empty or if after bleeding residual air can be detected by excessive brake-pedal travel.
6. Switch off and disconnect the bleeding device. Correct the brake fluid level if necessary.