PCM 2.0 - Control Knob Replacement
Technical Information
Cayenne (9PA)
5/06 ENU 9110
PCM2.O Control Knob Replacement
Vehicle Type:
Cayenne/Cayenne S/Cayenne Turbo
Model Year:
As of 2003 up to 2005
PCM2.0 (I No. 8DQ, 8DV)
PCM2.O control module
Control knob replacement.
Action Required:
In the event of a complaint concerning damaged PCM2.0 control knobs, the right and left control knobs are available now as individual replacement parts.
The PCM2.0 must not be replaced due to damaged control knobs.
Parts Info:
955.642.951.00 New/ Rotary knob, left
955.642.952.00 New Rotary knob, right
Relay puller 9235
Work Procedure:
Replacing the control knob on the PCM2.0.
Risk of damage to the PCM control panel when removing the control knob with the incorrect tool and damage to the printed circuit board if too much force is used during installation.
-->Due to the high withdrawal force of the control knob, use special tool 9235 (relay puller) to remove the control knob.
-->Do not exert too much force on the new control knob when installing so that the printed circuit board is not damaged.
Working Time:
91104900: Replacing control knob on the PCM2.0
Labor time: 20 TU Includes: Removing control knob using a relay puller.