Antitheft - Aftermarket System Installation Warning
911 (996)9/04 9668
Binder - 9, Electrical
Installation of After Market Theft Prevention Systems
Vehicle Type:
911 Carrera (996)/911 Carrera 4 (996)/911 GT3 (996)
Model Year:
As of '99 (X)
Installing additional anti-theft protection (anti-car jacking systems) can cause malfunctions in the vehicle electrical/electronic system.
After market anti-car jacking systems are electrical/electronic equipment in the vehicle which expand the existing theft protection of the vehicle and also support and facilitate the location of a stolen vehicle. Typically, the stolen vehicle is located via GPS/GSM or radar.
Investigations based on complaints have shown that after installing such a system, the following malfunctions can occur in the vehicle electrical/electronic system:
- remote control does not function,
- interference in or poor radio reception,
- increased current draw
- incorrect triggering of the theft warning system (vehicles with I No. 534 or 535)
In some countries, additional anti-theft protection (anti-car jacking systems) must be installed for insurance/technical reasons. These Systems are not approved by Porsche.
Installing additional anti-theft protection (anti-car jacking system).
If the customer would like to have such a system installed, the customer should be informed about the possible, above-mentioned known-to-date malfunctions. Due to the increased current draw, it is recommended that the customer use the Porsche battery maintainer.
Repairs on vehicles with additional anti-theft protection (anti-car jacking system).
If there are customer complaints regarding the above-mentioned malfunctions, the customer should be asked if such a system is installed in the vehicle. Repair work relating to such systems cannot be claimed under warranty.
Please inform your sales and parts department personnel accordingly.