Programming Transmitters
Up to four hand-held transmitters can be adapted to the control module. The hand-held transmitter can be used to activate the central locking and the convertible top (for 996 Cabrio, country-specific version). Another function is the immobilizer by means of the integrated transponder coil.
Work preparation
Note! If the key is stolen or the hand-held transmitter is faulty, all keys still in the customer's possession will be required!
The following information is required to teach the hand-held transmitter:
^ Key learning code from IPAS
^ 24-digit Code No. (see barcode label on key grip)
^ During maintenance work, please bear in mind that the transmission frequency of the hand-held transmitter is different according to the country of use!
^ The corresponding reception frequency is printed on the alarm system control module!
This reception frequency is either:
^ 433 Mhz with M-number M534
^ 315 Mhz with M-number M535
1. Connect the vehicle keys and the new hand-held transmitter and insert in the ignition.
2. Connect Porsche Scan Tool 2 (PST 2) and switch on ignition.
3. Select Alarm system in the menu and press the double arrow key [>>].
4. Select Learning function in the menu and press the double arrow key [>>].
5. Select menu item Transponder key and press the double arrow key [>>]. The following message appears on the screen: "Input key learning code".
6. With the arrow keys, input the key learning code and press the double arrow key [>>]. The following message appears on the screen: "Please confirm input".
7. Check the input and press the [F7] key to confirm the input.
8. Distinguish between loss and fault and additional hand-held transmitter for the transponder.
a) Teaching an additional hand-held transmitter:
- With the arrow key, select a tree position (1, 2, 3 or 4) and press the [F8] key. Now the transponder code is saved in the selected position. Note the position of the new transponder code.
b) Teaching in the case of a lost or faulty hand-held transmitter:
^ Risk of theft due to the lost hand-held transmitter!
^ It is essential to identify and delete the transponder code of the lost hand-held transmitter as described in step 8 b)!
^ It is essential to identify and delete the radio code of the lost hand-held transmitter as described in step 12 b)!
^ In this case, it is first necessary to identify and delete the stored transponder code of the lost hand-held transmitter.
The remaining vehicle keys are required for this purpose:
- One after the other, insert the keys into the ignition lock, switch the ignition on and establish communication with the control module. Current transponder shows the transponder code of the vehicle key that is presently inserted in the ignition lock
- Compare this transponder code with the transponder codes at positions 1 to 4. This comparison allows the position of the lost hand-held transmitter (transponder code) to be identified, as one transponder code is ultimately left over at positions 1 to 4.
- Insert the vehicle key equipped with the new hand-held transmitter into the ignition lock and switch on the ignition.
- Establish communication between the PST2 and the control module.
- Select the identified position using the arrow keys and delete the transponder code with the [F3] key.
- Then press the [F8] key.
9. Press the double arrow key [<<], select the menu item Remote control and press the double arrow key [>>]. "Input key learning code" appears on the screen
10. With the arrow keys, input the key learning code and press the double arrow key [>>]. The following message appears on the screen: "Please confirm input".
11. Check the input and press the [F7] key to confirm the input.
12. Distinguish between loss and fault and additional hand-held transmitter for the radio code.
a) Teaching an additional hand-held transmitter:
- Select the same position (1 to 4) as for the transponder key and press the [F8] key.
b) Teaching in the case of a lost or faulty hand-held transmitter:
13. In this case, it is first necessary to identify and delete the stored "radio code" of the lost hand-held transmitter.
The remaining hand-held transmitters are required for this purpose.
- Press the locking button on the hand-held transmitter and then insert the vehicle key into the ignition lock, switch on the ignition and re-establish communication with the control module. Current radio key shows the "radio code" of the vehicle key that is presently inserted in the ignition lock.
- Compare this radio code with the radio codes at positions 1 to 4. This comparison allows the position of the lost hand-held transmitter (radio code) to be identified, as one "radio code" is ultimately left over at positions 1 to 4.
- Insert the vehicle key equipped with the new hand-held transmitter into the ignition lock and switch on the ignition.
- Establish communication with the control module.
- Select the identified position using the arrow keys and delete the radio code with the [F3] key.
- Then press the [F8] key.
14. Carefully input the 24 digit code number with the arrow keys and press the double arrow key [>>].
The following message appears on the screen: "Please confirm input".
15. Check the input and press the [F7] key. Now the handheld transmitter is taught.
16. Go back to the menu item Learning function, remove the key and switch on the ignition again.
Once the key has been removed again, the hand-held transmitter is ready for use.
17. Check handheld transmitter for operation.