Tire Monitor System - Inactive After Wheel Change
17/08 ENU 4432Tire Pressure Monitoring Not Active After Changing Wheels
Vehicle Type:
911 Carrera (997)/911 Carrera S (997)
Model Year:
As of 2005
Tire Pressure Monitoring system (I-No. 482,483)
Vehicles with Tire Pressure Monitoring (referred to here after as TPM).
Complaint "TPM not active after changing wheels".
Due to current complaints received about the TPM system following a wheel change (e.g. changing from summer to winter wheels), we would like to point out that the TPM system as of model year 2009 (2nd TPM generation) is fundamentally different from the TPM system up to model year 2008 (1st TPM generation).
1st TPM generation wheel electronics are not compatible with 2nd TPM generation wheel electronics.
If wheels with wheel electronics form the 1st TPM generation are mounted on a vehicle with a 2nd generation TPM system (or vice versa), the wheel electronics will not be recognized by the TPM system. The TPM system is not active and a corresponding warning is displayed in the multi-function display of the instrument cluster.
The wheel electronics will also be stored as defective in the fault memory of the TPM control unit.
For instance, if the customer wants to use wheels with 1st generation TPM wheel electronics (e.g. wheels from a vehicle up to model year 2008) on a vehicle with a 2nd generation TPM system (from model year 2009 onwards), the 1st TPM generation wheel electronics must be replaced with 2nd TPM generation wheel electronics so that the TPM system will function correctly --> Workshop Manual '44321950 Removing and installing wheel electronics'.
The work and parts required for replacing 1st TPM generation wheel electronics with 2nd TPM generation wheel electronics (or vice versa) cannot be claimed under the warranty.
Please inform your customers of this accordingly.
When changing wheels, please observe the allowable wheel/tire dimensions specified in the corresponding manufacturer release information bulletins.
Parts Info:
Wheel electronics unit (sensor) for model year 2005 <-> 2007 vehicles (1st TPM generation):
997.606.021.00 --> Sensor, 433 MHz (1)
(1) The model year 2008 wheel electronics unit (sensor) is supplied for spare parts requirements (orange/433 MHz USA/Canada or brown/315 MHz Not for USA/Canada).
Wheel electronics unit (sensor) for model year 2008 vehicles (1st TPM generation):
997.606.021.01 --> Sensor, 433 MHz
Wheel electronics unit (sensor) for vehicles as of model year 2009 (2nd TPM generation):
997.606.021.20 --> Sensor, 433 MHz
Distinguishing features of wheel electronics (1st and 2nd TPM generation, July 2008).
- Wheel electronics, 1st TPM generation (model year 2005 <-> 2008):
- Wheel electronics, 2nd TPM generation (as of model year 2009):
References: --> Workshop Manual '44321950 Removing and installing wheel electronics'