Relay Box: Service and Repair
Removing And Installing Relay Carrier, Plenum Chamber E-box
Preliminary work
1. Remove ignition key. Disconnect battery. Route or isolate ground strap so that all contact with a ground carrier (e.g. body, seat frame) is avoided.
2. Place bonnet in service position.
3. Remove wiper arms.
4. Remove cowl panel cover.
5. Remove left and rear trim panels in engine compartment.
6. Remove radiator tank at front left.
Removing relay carrier in plenum chamber E-box
1. Undo fastening screws -1- -arrows- and remove lid.
2. Unclip harness -arrow-.
3. Disconnect plugs -arrows A- and remove both wire harnesses from bracket -arrows B-.
4. Lift relay carrier out and upwards -arrows-.
5. Unscrew fastening screws -arrows 2-.
6. Release both relay carriers -arrows A- and pull them up and out -arrows B-.
7. Release the fuse carrier -arrows C- and pull it up and out -arrow D-.
8. Release sockets -arrows A- and press downwards and out -arrow B-.
9. Remove top half of casing.
10. Place harnesses to the side, pull bottom half of casing upwards out of bracket and remove.
Installing relay carrier in plenum chamber E-box
NOTE: Before installing the bottom half of casing, ensure that the rubber mounts are inserted fully in the brackets.
1. Press bottom half of casing into retaining pins -arrow- until rubber mounts are felt to engage.
2. Press sockets into top half of casing from below -arrows a - f- until locking tabs are felt to engage. When doing so, note the marking on the sockets.
3. Slide fuse carrier and relay carrier through top half of casing.
4. Insert the two rubber sleeves in bottom half of casing -arrows-.
5. Place the top half on the bottom half of the casing. Make sure no leads are pinched between the two halves of the casing.
6. Screw together the two halves of the casing with the fastening screws -arrows 2-.
7. Press fuse carrier into top half of casing -arrow A- until locking tabs -arrows B- are felt to engage.
8. Press both relay carriers into top half of casing -arrows C- until locking tabs -arrows D- are felt to engage.
9. Clip harness into place -arrow-.
10. Connect the red plug connection -arrow A- until the locking tabs -B- are felt to engage.
11. Position red plug connection under the right harness -arrows A-.
12. Position both harnesses with rubber sleeves in the casing -arrows B-.
13. Insert plug -arrows C- until the locking tabs are felt to engage.
14. Screw down lid with the fastening screws -arrows 1-.
Subsequent work
1. Remove radiator tank at front left.
2. Install left and rear covers in engine compartment.
3. Install cowl panel cover.
4. Remove wiper arms.
5. Connect the battery and carry out work instructions after disconnecting the battery.
Identification of sockets
Socket Colour
a Black
b white
c pink
d light blue
e green
f light brown