Parking Brake System: Adjustments
Adjusting the parking-brake shoesThis includes: Checking the free play of the parking-brake lever and adjusting the parking-brake shoes. The parking-brake cable cannot be adjusted (automatic cable adjustment).
Checking free play of parking-brake lever
The parking-brake shoes must be adjusted if the parking-brake lever can be pulled up by more than 5 teeth or more than 10 teeth through application of medium force without producing a braking effect. 10 teeth applies to parking-brake levers with a modified/refined tooth system (introduction in standard production in February 2006).
The first version of the parking-brake levers has a total of 12 teeth (index/last two digits of part number are less than 50). The modified version (refined tooth system as of February 2006) has 20 teeth.
Adjusting the parking-brake shoes
1. Remove the rear wheels.
2. Undo the parking-brake lever and push back the disc brake pads of the rear axle until the brake disc can rotate freely.
3. The adjustment fixture can be twisted through the bores in the wheel mounting.
4. Turn the brake disc in such a way that the adjustment fixture becomes visible. Using a -screwdriver- inserted through the bore, move the adjustment device until the wheel can no longer be turned. To be specific, this means: put transmission in neutral. Further torque of the brake disc between 50 Nm and 150 Nm (37 ft lb. and 111 ft lb.) (test with torque click wrench on the drive shaft lock nut clockwise). Next, turn the adjustment fixture back again through 4 notches (release approximately 3 notches until the wheel can be turned freely, then release another 1 notch). Repeat the procedure on the other wheel.
5. Pull up the parking-brake lever (check free play). If 2 to 4 teeth or 4 to 8 teeth are engaged, it must be possible to turn both wheels by hand with considerable difficulty. 4 to 8 teeth applies to parking-brake levers with a modified/refined tooth system (introduction in standard production in February 2006).
6. Release the parking-brake lever and check whether both wheels can be turned freely.