Maintenance: Service and Repair
033500 On-board Diagnosis (OBD)
Reading out fault memory
Read out fault memory
Diagnostic socket:
The PIWIS Tester 9718 is connected to the vehicle via a diagnostic socket. The diagnosis socket is located inside the vehicle in the vicinity of the driver's A-pillar below the instrument panel.
1. Start the PIWIS Tester 9718 and follow the instructions on the Tester.
2. Select vehicle type, click ">>" and start the automatic control unit search.
3. If a star appears in front of the relevant control unit, read out the fault memory and follow the instructions of the Tester.
Activating systems
The work procedure is menu-driven; the Tester instructions have highest priority and additional operation is specified by means of the arrow icons - e.g. ">>".
1. Connect the PIWIS Tester 9718 to the vehicle and start the System Tester. Switch on ignition. Press ">>" to continue.
2. Select Menu using the cursor keys.
3. Change to Sports car analysis and start. Analysis is performed. Print out the analysis log and assign it to the vehicle process.
4. Select vehicle type and change to Hand over.
5. Observe Tester instructions and code ">>" using "F8".
6. Enter the required chassis number ">>".
7. Look for the Tester messages All functions run and PCM/CDR was activated ">>".
8. Read out fault memory.
9. If a PCM is installed, the Navigation must be loaded.
9.1 Insert navigation CD into PCM and switch on PCM. 9.2. Navigation CD is loaded.
9.3 Disconnect Tester from vehicle.
10. Conduct a test drive; afterwards read out the fault memory again and erase if necessary.