697219 Removing and installing roll-over bar
WM 697219 Removing and installing roll-over bar
Technical values
Preliminary work
Hood frame not removed/installed correctly
- Risk of damage to paintwork on roll-over bar
-> Only install the hood in the vehicle together with the roll-over bar.
-> A second person is required during removal/installation.
- The roll-over bar can only be removed with the hood.
1. Move hood into service position. -> 6101IN Hood in service position 6101IN Convertible-top service position
2. Remove front three-point belt at the left and right. -> 691119 Removing and installing front three-point belt - section on "Removing" 691119 Removing and installing front three-point belt
Technical values
Adjustment values
Check adjustment dimensions of roll-over bar on the vehicle
1. Dimension A from centre of sash guide mount (round material as an aid) to top of inner side section.
Dimension B from centre of round material to end of inner side section flange.
1.1. Shop-made tool: Round material with diameter of 10 mm, 160 mm long
Checking adjustment dimensions
2. Dimension C from centre of edge of housing for hood pegs (inner attachment point) to centre of sash guide.
Checking adjustment dimensions
Removing roll-over bar
Installation position of roll-over bar
Operation of the hood in service position
- Risk of damage to hood frame and rear window
-> Do not move the hood to the "Close" position by electrical means when in service position.
To make calibration easier when installing the roll-over bar, the number of plates must be noted.
1. Press the two lugs -A- on the electric plug connection -1- and disconnect it in -direction of arrow B-.
Disconnecting electric plug connection
2. Unscrew fastening nuts at the front left and right -1- ( -arrow- ).
Unscrewing fastening nuts on front of roll-over bar
3. Unscrew fastening nuts at the rear left and right -1- ( -arrow- ).
Unscrewing fastening nuts on rear of roll-over bar
4. Disengage push rod at the left and right.
4.1. Press ball socket -6- of the push rod off the ball joint of the main folding top bow -arrow-.
Detaching push rod
5. Remove drive lever for hood mechanism at the left and right.
5.1. Unscrew fastening screw -1- and remove drive lever -2- and cover -3- from the hood mechanism -4- ( -arrow- ).
Removing drive lever
6. Disconnect water drip pan at the left and right -7- from the guide rail -8- ( -arrow- ).
Removing water drip pan
7. Take roll-over bar up out of the vehicle -arrows-.
Removing roll-over bar
Installing roll-over bar
1. Fit roll-over bar into the vehicle -arrows-.
Fitting roll-over bar into vehicle
2. Screw in fastening nuts at the rear left and right -1- ( -arrows- ). => Tightening torque: 23 Nm (17 ftlb.)+/-2 Nm (+/-1.5 ftlb.)
Screwing in fastening nuts at the rear left and right
3. Screw in fastening nuts at the front left and right -1- ( -arrows- ). => Tightening torque: 23 Nm (17 ftlb.)+/-2 Nm (+/-1.5 ftlb.)
Screwing in fastening nuts at the front left and right
4. Connect electric plug connection -1- ( -arrows- ).
Connecting electric plug connection
Adjusting roll-over bar
Do not remove or re-install dowel sleeves or dowel pins
- If there is a malfunction in the convertible top, you will no longer be able to open or close it!
-> The dowel sleeves and dowel pins must not be removed!
The roll-over bar is calibrated and fitted in the vehicle ex-works and is fixed in place with dowel pins -6- and dowel sleeves -4- at the left and right.
Adjusting roll-over bar
1. Adjustment procedure: Loosen fastening nuts at the roll-over bar attachment points at the front and rear.
2. Lift the roll-over bar and insert or remove plates -2 and 3- in accordance with the test and adjustment values. Position inserted plates -2 and 3- on the screw bolt -7-.
-> 697200 Removing and installing roll-over bar - Refer to Specifications 697255 Replacing roll-over bar Procedures
3. Tighten fastening nuts. => Tightening torque: 23 Nm (17 ftlb.)+/-2 Nm (+/-1.5 ftlb.)
Subsequent work
1. Fit water drip pan at the left and right -7- under the guide rail -8- ( -arrows- ).
Fitting water drip pan
2. Install drive lever for hood mechanism at the left and right.
2.1. Position cover -3- and drive lever -2- on the hood mechanism -4- ( -arrow- ) and secure with the fastening screw -1- (micro-self-locking).
After loosening the fastening screw -1- , it must be replaced or secured fairly tightly with Loctite 243.=> M12: 80 Nm (59 ftlb.)
Installing drive lever for hood mechanism at the left and right
3. Engage push rod at the left and right.
3.1. Press ball socket -6- of push rod onto ball head of main folding top bow -arrow-.
Engaging push rod
4. Install front three-point belt at the left and right. -> 691119 Removing and installing front three-point belt - section on "Installing" 691119 Removing and installing front three-point belt
5. End service position. -> 6101IN Hood in service position 6101IN Convertible-top service position