Operation CHARM: Car repair manuals for everyone.

Part 2

WM 1001Z2 Assembling V8 4.8-litre DFI engine up to October 2008

16. Insert crankshaft and oil crankshaft bearing pin and connecting-rod bearing pin.
17. First position timing chain pinion with the ring gear of the oil pump drive onto the crankshaft stub (check that the two diamond washers at the front and rear on the ring gear are clipped in -1- ). Then position the drive pinion of the oil pump chain -2- with respect to the crankcase.

Timing chain pinion on crankshaft stub

Timing chain pinion with two diamond washers

18. Fit crankshaft holding bridge holding bridge 9677/1 in the centre of the crankshaft.

Crankshaft secured

19. Turn upper part of crankcase and oil cylinder liners.


- The corresponding connecting-rod bearing shells must be selected according to the marking on the crankshaft transmission flange (4-digit) and inserted into the connecting rod.

- When removing the pistons with connecting rods, the pistons should be marked with a water-resistant marker on both the piston and connecting rod according to cylinder and cylinder bank.

- The removed pistons and connecting rods must be cleaned carefully so as not to remove the markings.

- The connecting rod code is installed to the exhaust side as standard. The direction of travel arrow on the DFI piston is always on the same side as the connecting rod code -A-. The pistons are assigned to the cylinder bank (1 to 4 and 5 to 8), i.e. because of the DFI combustion chamber recess there are two different pistons for the left and right cylinder bank.

- When installing the piston in the crankcase, the direction of travel arrow must point in the direction of travel when installed. It is always on the same side as the connecting rod code. The combustion chamber recess on the piston is always on the intake side. Note the assignment of the pistons to the cylinder bank.

- Naturally aspirated engines and turbo engines have different pistons.

Connecting rod code and direction of travel arrow

- The code on the connecting-rod big end and connecting rod cap must always be on the same side and at the exhaust side. -A- Note: Select the correct piston for the correct cylinder bank. Install with connecting rod code on the exhaust side with the direction of travel arrow on the piston.

Connecting rod code "A"

20. Tension piston using a commercially available piston ring restraining strap (e.g. Universal piston ring restraining strap Nr.55 ) or assembly funnel funnel 9784/1 and press piston into cylinder. When doing so, make sure that the direction of travel arrow on the piston crown is pointing in the direction of travel and the connecting rod code has been fitted facing the exhaust side. Push the pistons in until the connecting rod bearing is lying on the con-rod journal of the crankshaft. Once all the pistons with connecting rod have been pushed in, fit connecting rod cap evenly and synchronously with the correct bearing shell. Fit with new connecting rod bolt to the prescribed tightening torque. For details, see -> 131020 Removing and installing pistons on 4.8-litre DFI engines 131020 Removing and installing pistons on 4.8-litre DFI engines

Piston, connecting rod

Tensioning pistons

Piston assembly

Pressing in pistons

21. Remove crankshaft holding bridge. Apply Drei-Bond 2210 sealant ( status 04/07) to lower part of crankcase as shown in the illustration. Insert sealing ring -3- into the upper part of the crankcase and position the lower part of the crankcase onto the upper part of the crankcase. Insert all the fastening screws, fit to the prescribed tightening torque within 5 minutes and wipe off excess sealant.

Sealant application

22. Tighten M11 and M10 bearing screws to the prescribed torques. -5 and 6-

Tightening sequence for thrust-bearing screws

Lower part of crankcase

23. Fit cross bolt connection.

Tightening sequence for securing lower part of crankcase to upper part of crankcase (cross bolt connection)

24. Fit M8 screws on the side -8 and 9-. Remove emerging sealant.
25. Punch in or imprint the engine number if necessary (when replacing engine).
26. Move oil plate with all the seals into installation position and secure to the lower part of the crankcase. => Tightening torque: 10 Nm (7.5 ftlb.)

Oil guide (oil plate)

27. Grease sealing ring between the oil plate transfer pipe and oil pump sparingly with Kluber Syntheso GLEP 1 and fit oil pump. Secure the oil pump.

Oil pump on naturally aspirated engine M48/01

28. Position oil pump sprocket with drive chain with respect to crankshaft chain pinion => Oil pump chain. Counter oil pump sprocket at oil pump using a screwdriver and fit new screw. 1st turn => Initial tightening: 20 Nm (15 ftlb.) ; final tightening (torque angle) => Torque angle: 90°

Oil pump chain

Countering oil pump pinion

29. Fit cover plate for oil pump drive using three screws. => Tightening torque: 10 Nm (7.5 ftlb.)
30. Turn engine and clean sealing faces. Blow out bores of cylinder head screws. Position both cylinder head seals. Part number/marking facing upward. When doing so, make sure that the cylinder head gasket is positioned on the dowel sleeves.
31. Unscrew front camshaft mounting saddles (lower parts) of the cylinder heads (if you have not already done so), as the bores in the cylinder head screws are covered. see illustration, item 8

Camshafts, cylinder bank 1 to 4

32. Position cylinder heads, insert cylinder head screws and fit them. Observe tightening sequence and prescribed tightening torque.

Cylinder head 1 to 4

Tightening sequence for cylinder head

33. Fit front M8 screw of cylinder head 1 to 4. => Tightening torque: 23 Nm (17 ftlb.)
34. Make sure that the intake openings have been protected using adhesive tape or something similar to prevent them from becoming dirty.
35. Insert front camshaft mounting saddles (lower parts) of cylinder heads. Item 8

Camshafts, cylinder bank 1 to 4

36. Coat camshaft bearings with normal multipurpose grease or engine oil.
37. Insert bucket tappets into the cylinder head if necessary (bucket tappets for intake and outlet side have different diameters). The bucket tappets have a twist lock that fits into a guide groove in the cylinder head. Fit used bucket tappets at the same position.
38. Position vibration balancer with screw tightened by hand. Turn crankshaft to just before cylinder 1 TDC (prevents the valves from sitting on the piston when directly at TDC). Item 2

Staking bore 45 ° before TDC


A data matrix coding is shown on the staking dihedron of the camshafts. This is a square black/white dotted marking used for electronic identification purposes during the production process. This marking can be used as an aid when inserting the camshafts into the cylinder head. All four camshafts press against the valves the least when the data matrix coding is facing upwards during installation.

39. Insert camshafts so that the minimum amount of pressure is exerted on the valve springs and coat bearing locations with normal multipurpose grease or engine oil. Position housings correctly and screw down. The housings are numbered and marked with E (intake) or A (outlet). Fit camshaft housings evenly and gradually, and slowly approach the tightening torque. The camshafts must not be preloaded or tilted. Outlet camshafts and intake camshafts (also bank-specific) cannot be confused because of the bearing locations and length.

Camshaft identification on V8 naturally aspirated engine M48/01

Camshaft housing identification

Camshaft mount, cylinders 5 to 8

40. Move both hydraulic valves for camshaft control into installation position and fit them. Item 5

Camshaft control

41. Insert oil vent line at the firewall side of cylinder 5 and screw it on. Grease sealing ring sparingly with Kluber Syntheso GLEP 1.

Vent line

42. Fit threaded peg for tensioning and guide rails. Items 1 and 2

Timing chain and chain guide

43. Fit guide rail with oil pump chain tensioning rail and pull locking pin (tensioning rail will be released).
44. Fit "U"-shaped deflection rail item 4.

Timing chain and sprockets

45. Fit tensioning rail and let it hang.
46. Fit both small guide rail pieces between the camshaft controller and sprocket.
47. Loosely fit camshaft controller and sprockets using screws (do not forget new diamond washer under the camshaft controllers).
48. Position timing chain and guide correctly over guide and tensioning rails.
49. Fill Loctite 5900 sealing compound ( status 04/07) first into the opening of the seal for the timing-case cover. Apply sealant as shown in the illustrations. Install the timing-case cover within 5 minutes.

Timing-case cover seals

Applying sealant (fill openings in metal seal with sealant)

50. Move timing-case cover with pre-fitted metal seals into installation position (carefully insert oil vent line, grease sealing ring with Kluber Syntheso GLEP 1 if necessary). When doing so, press the tensioning rail away from the sprocket at the timing chain using a screwdriver (second worker required). Position timing-case cover.
51. Fit the timing-case cover using four to six screws. Align timing-case cover with the edge of the lower part of the crankcase (realign using plastic hammer if necessary). Fit remaining screws. Check projection again with respect to the lower part of the crankcase and realign if necessary. The timing-case cover can be adjusted using a dial gauge, steel rule or by touch (projection of timing-case cover with respect to the lower part of the crankcase). It should not be possible to feel or measure any projection on either side of the timing-case cover.Example: Adjusting timing-case cover using a dial gauge
52. Insert the dial gauge into the universal gauge holder and position it so that the dial gauge has a preload of about 1 mm.

Adjusting preload

53. Set dial gauge scale to 0. To do this, place the dial gauge holder on a completely flat surface (e.g. crankcase) and turn the dial gauge scale until the pointer is at 0.

Setting dial gauge scale to zero

54. Measure offset. In order to do this, push with the holder starting from the lower part of the crankcase towards the timing-case cover (the foot of the dial gauge holder is not located on the same component as the dial gauge probe) and measure the offset. The timing-case cover must not be set back any more than 0.1 mm. Any projection is not permissible.

Measuring offset

55. Align the timing-case covers by tapping lightly with a rubber hammer.

Aligning timing-case cover

56. Then check the position of the timing-case cover again with the dial gauge.


57. Fit timing-case cover according to specifications. When doing so, do not forget any of the sheetmetal holders under the screws.

Tightening sequence for timing-case cover

58. Fit new joint flange between the vibration damper and timing-case cover. Align joint flange, fit screws and pull plastic sleeve.

Seal with plastic sleeve

Chain tensioner, joint flange

59. Turn engine around. Oil pump is upright.
60. Lay sealing ring in the lower part of the crankcase.
61. Apply sealant to the oil guide housing as specified. Sealant should be applied thinly and evenly. Screw down within 5 minutes.

Applying sealant to oil guide housing

62. Position oil guide housing and align against transmission or projection of lower part of the crankcase. On the transmission side, the oil guide housing must not project further than the crankcase. Make sure that the transmission can later be screwed evenly to the block. The oil guide housing can be adjusted in the same way as the timing-case cover (using dial gauge, etc.).
63. Screw down oil guide housing. Tighten all screws evenly crosswise. see item 6 Do not forget screws between the oil guide housing and timing-case cover (four screws behind front vibration balancer, bores are currently overhead).

Oil guide housing with accessories