722519 Removing and installing bowden cable for backrest release
WM 722519 Removing and installing bowden cable for backrest release
Preliminary work
1. Remove cushion carrier for front backrest. -> 722419 Removing and installing cushion carrier for front backrest - section on "Removing" 722419 Removing and installing cushion carrier for front backrest (air-conditioned comfort seat)
Removing bowden cable for backrest release
1. Release backrest and tilt forwards.
2. Swivel pin -2- of bowden cable -1- up by 90° -arrow A- and disengage it -arrow B-.
Disengaging bowden cable upwards
3. Press locking tab on fixing clip -3- outwards slightly and press fixing clip -3- down and out with a plastic hammer -arrow C-.
4. Swivel eye -2- of bowden cable -1- by 90° -arrow A- and pull it out of the locking lever.
Disengaging bowden cable downwards
5. Unclip fixing clip -3- from the backrest frame -1- ( -arrow B- ).
6. Pull bowden cable -1- up out of the backrest frame -arrows C-.
Removing backrest frame release
1. Disengage tension spring -1-.
Removing backrest frame release
2. Press retaining pins -2- out with a screwdriver and remove backrest frame release -3-.
3. Press out rubber stop -4-.
Installing bowden cable for backrest release
Installing backrest frame release
1. Press in rubber stop -4-.
Installing backrest frame release
2. Position backrest frame release -3- and secure with new retaining pins -2-.
3. Engage tension spring -1-.
Installing bowden cable for backrest release
1. Insert bowden cable -1- downwards into the backrest frame from above -Arrows A-.
Installing bowden cable
2. Insert eye -2- of bowden cable -1- into the locking lever and swivel by 90° -Arrow B-.
3. Press fixing clip -3- with bowden cable into the backrest frame -Arrow C-.
4. Position fixing clip -3- on backrest frame and tap it upwards into place with a plastic hammer -Arrow A-.
Engaging bowden cable at the top
5. Engage pin -2- of bowden cable -1- ( -Arrow B- ) and swivel downwards by 90° -Arrow C-.
Subsequent work
1. Install cushion carrier for front backrest. -> 722419 Removing and installing cushion carrier for front backrest - section on "Installing" 722419 Removing and installing cushion carrier for front backrest (air-conditioned comfort seat)