WM 170101 Checking engine-oil level
Technical values
Description of test procedure
Checking engine-oil level - display in instrument cluster
Incorrect oil level
- Risk of damage to engine or catalytic converter
-> Check the oil level regularly.
-> The oil level must not fall below the Minimum marking or rise above the Maximum marking.
-> Only use approved engine oils.
- On vehicles as of model year 2009, the oil level is measured when the engine is at operating temperature (oil temperature = min. 60 °C) and idling.
- An oil level check always runs in the background when driving.
- If the oil level drops close to the "Minimum" level, a message in the instrument cluster prompts you to check the oil level.
- The engine-oil level can be checked on the instrument cluster display and using the PIWIS Tester 9718.
- Any malfunctions in the oil level indicator show up as a warning in the instrument cluster.
- Use the Info function to display the requirements for oil level measurement.
Requirements for correct oil level measurement:
- Vehicle is parked horizontally.
- Engine is idling.
- Engine oil temperature is at least 60 °Celsius.
Starting measurement:
1. Start the engine and leave it idling until the engine oil temperature is at least 60 °Celsius.
1.1. If the check is started beforehand, a message appears in the display informing you that the required oil temperature has not been reached.
Oil level measurement in the "OIL" menu:
2. Push operating lever for on-board computer forwards.
View of operating lever for on-board computer
2.1. Display in instrument cluster: Use the operating lever to select the menu item OIL.
Oil measurement menu item
2.2. Press the operating lever to start the measurement. The waiting time is displayed.
Time required for oil level measurement
- The oil level must be between the minimum and maximum marks.
- Adjust the engine oil level if necessary (pour engine oil in slowly) and check the level again.
3. When the waiting time is up, read off the oil level on the segment display.
3.1. The permitted oil level is between the Min and Max markings.
3.2. Example: Display for maximum oil level.
Oil level indicator (example of Max display)
- If the oil level drops below the Minimum marking, the segment below starts flashing!
- The difference between the Min and Max markings is approx. 1.2 litres, i.e. one segment of the display corresponds to approx. 0.4 litres of oil.
- Never top up engine oil above the Max marking.
4. The minimum oil level is reached when only the lowest segment on the oil level indicator is filled and flashing.
4.1. Oil must be added immediately.
Display for oil level below Min marking
Checking engine-oil level using the PIWIS Tester
Incorrect oil level
- Risk of damage to engine or catalytic converter
-> Check the oil level regularly.
-> The oil level must not fall below the Minimum marking or rise above the Maximum marking.
-> Only use approved engine oils.
- The engine-oil level can be checked on the instrument cluster display and using the PIWIS Tester 9718.
- Any malfunctions in the oil level indicator show up as a warning in the instrument cluster.
- Use the Info function to display the requirements for oil level measurement.
Test procedure with engine stopped and cold, oil temperature approx. 20 °Celsius:
1. Connect a battery charger.
2. PIWIS Tester 9718 must be connected in the passenger compartment.
2.1. Switch on ignition.
3. Switch on the Tester and select the relevant vehicle.
PIWIS Tester start page
4. Select Instrument cluster in the Control unit search menu.
Control unit search in instrument cluster
5. Select the Actual values menu item.
Actual values menu item
6. Select and open the Measured absolute oil level function.
Measured absolute oil level function
- The filling capacities are guidelines that can deviate slightly. This depends, for example, on the oil temperature and the length of time since the vehicle was driven.
7. Compare the actual value with the nominal value.
Actual oil level (engine stopped)
=> Max. filling capacity: 72 mm
=> Min. filling capacity: 58 mm
Test procedure with engine idling, oil temperature at least 60 °Celsius:
8. Complete Steps 1-4.
9. Select Special functions menu item.
Special functions menu item
10. Select Oil change menu item.
Oil change menu item
10.1. Follow the test instructions.
Test instructions
10.2. Display of remaining waiting time. The entire measurement takes about 60 seconds. The waiting time from the time the measurement starts is about 30 seconds.
Waiting time display
10.3. Possible faults displayed during the test procedure.
"Idle speed" fault display
11. Read off the oil level. Sample displays are shown.
Maximum oil level display
Display corresponds to two segments in the instrument cluster
Two segments displayed