Part 4
WM 1001IN Tightening torques, tightening sequences and assembly overviews
Tightening sequence for valve cover for cylinders 1 to 4
Tightening sequence for valve cover for cylinders 5 to 8
Bar ignition modules and valve cover, cylinders 1 to 4
Bar ignition modules and valve cover, cylinder bank 5 to 8
Camshafts, cylinder bank 1 to 4
Camshaft mount, cylinder bank 1 to 4
Camshafts, cylinders 5 to 8
Camshaft mount, cylinders 5 to 8
Camshaft control
Camshaft identification on V8 turbo engine
Camshaft identification on V8 naturally aspirated engine
Camshaft housing identification
Timing chain and sprockets
Oil pump chain drive
Timing chain and chain guide
Timing-case cover seals
Applying sealant (fill openings in metal seal)
Sealant application before valve cover installation
Tightening sequence for timing-case cover
Chain tensioner, joint flange