Grille: Service and Repair
WM 660419 Removing and installing front air grille
Preliminary work
1. Preliminary work - remove front outer air grille.
1.1. Remove auxiliary headlights. => 947119 Removing and installing auxiliary headlights - section on "Removing"
2. Preliminary work - remove front middle air grille.
2.1. Remove front apron. => 631519 Removing and installing front apron - section on "Removing"
Removing front air grille
Removing front outer air grille
Installation position of front air grille
1. Insert a screwdriver between the front apron -1- and air grille -2- and release the locking lugs all the way around.
Loosening air grille
2. Press the air grille -1- down slightly close to the retainer plate for the headlight cleaning system -2- ( -arrow A- ) and swivel it out -arrow B-.
Loosening air grille
3. Press the retaining clip -1- on the wire harness -2- together -arrows A- and unclip it from the air grille -3-.
Loosening wire harness
4. Remove the air grille -3- ( -arrow B- ).
Removing front centre air grille
1. Insert a screwdriver between the front apron -1- and air grille -2- , release the locking lugs all the way around and remove the air grille -2- ( -arrows- ).
Removing air grille
Installing front air grille
Installing front centre air grille
1. Position the air grille -2- at the pins of the front apron -1- all the way around -arrows-.
Installing air grille
2. Press the air grille -2- into the front apron -1- until the locking lugs engage securely.
Installing front outer air grille
1. Press the retaining clip -1- on the wire harness -2- into the air grille -3- ( -arrows- ) until the retaining clip engages securely.
Securing wire harness
2. Position the air grille -1- on the front apron -3- ( -arrow A- ) and press down slightly close to the retainer plate for the headlight cleaning system -2- ( -arrow B- ).
Installing air grille
3. Press in the air grille -1- at the pins on the front apron -3- all the way around -arrow C- until the locking lugs engage securely.
Subsequent work
1. Subsequent work - install front outer air grille.
1.1. Install auxiliary headlights. => 947119 Removing and installing auxiliary headlights - section on "Installing"
2. Subsequent work - install front middle air grille.
2.1. Install front apron. => 631519 Removing and installing front apron - section on "Installing"