667919 Removing and installing housing for rearview mirror
WM 667919 Removing and installing housing for rearview mirror
Preliminary work
Preliminary work for removing and installing upper part of housing
1. Remove mirror glass. -> 667819 Removing and installing mirror glass - section on "Removing" 667819 Removing and installing mirror glass
Preliminary work for removing and installing lower part of housing
1. Remove rearview mirror. -> 668919 Removing and installing rearview mirror - section on "Removing" 668919 Removing and installing rearview mirror
2. Remove mirror adjusting motor. -> 668219 Removing and installing mirror adjusting motor - section on "Removing" Service and Repair
Preliminary work for removing and installing base housing
1. Remove rearview mirror. -> 668919 Removing and installing rearview mirror - section on "Removing" 668919 Removing and installing rearview mirror
2. Remove mirror adjusting motor. -> 668219 Removing and installing mirror adjusting motor - section on "Removing" Service and Repair
Removing housing for rearview mirror
Removing upper part of housing for rearview mirror
Some of the repair illustrations show only one side of the vehicle. Naturally, some steps also have to be performed on the opposite side of the vehicle as well. These must be carried out as a mirror image of the steps shown.
Component overview
1. Unscrew fastening screw -6-.
Mounting for upper part of housing
2. Release locks -5- using a screwdriver.
3. Insert a plastic wedge -7- from outside -A- between the upper part of the housing -1- and the lower part of the housing -2- and carefully unclip it by pressing it towards the front -B-.
Removing upper part of housing
4. Take off upper part of housing -1- by pulling it upwards -C-.
Removing base housing for rearview mirror
1. Remove seal -6- at the bottom at the base housing.
Removing seal for base housing
2. Unscrew fastening screw -7- in base section.
Fastening screw in base section
3. Release the locks -8- between the front part -3- and the rear part of the base housing -4- using a screwdriver and take off front part of base housing.
Separating base housing
4. Move mirror into folding position and take off rear part of base housing.
Removing lower part of housing for rearview mirror
1. Unclip lock -9- and pull the lower part of the housing downwards.
Removing lower part of housing
2. Guide lower part of housing downwards and release locks -10-.
Removing lower part of housing
Installing housing for rearview mirror
Installing upper part of housing for rearview mirror
1. Insert the locks -5- for the upper part of the housing -1- into the lower part of the housing -2- and carefully clip them in by pressing in the direction of the arrow.
Installing upper part of housing
2. Screw in fastening screw -6-.
Securing upper part of housing
Installing base housing for rearview mirror
1. Move mirror into folding position and insert rear part of base housing.
2. Assemble front part -3- and rear part of base housing -4- and clip them in.
Assembling base housing
3. Screw in fastening screw -7- in base section.
Fastening screw in base section
4. Insert seal -6- at the bottom at the base housing.
Installing seal for base housing
Installing lower part of housing
1. Engage lock -9- and press the lower part of the housing upwards.
Removing lower part of housing
2. Guide lower part of housing upwards and engage locks -10-.
Installing lower part of housing
Subsequent work
Subsequent work for removing and installing upper part of housing
1. Install mirror glass. -> 667819 Removing and installing mirror glass - section on "Installing" 667819 Removing and installing mirror glass
Subsequent work for removing and installing lower part of housing
1. Remove mirror glass. -> 667819 Removing and installing mirror glass - section on "Removing" 667819 Removing and installing mirror glass
2. Remove rearview mirror. -> 668919 Removing and installing rearview mirror - section on "Removing" 668919 Removing and installing rearview mirror
3. Remove mirror adjusting motor. -> 668219 Removing and installing mirror adjusting motor - section on "Removing" Service and Repair
Subsequent work for removing and installing base housing
1. Remove mirror glass. -> 667819 Removing and installing mirror glass - section on "Removing" 667819 Removing and installing mirror glass
2. Remove rearview mirror. -> 668919 Removing and installing rearview mirror - section on "Removing" 668919 Removing and installing rearview mirror
3. Remove mirror adjusting motor. -> 668219 Removing and installing mirror adjusting motor - section on "Removing" Service and Repair