Front Subframe: Service and Repair
WM 400919 Removing and installing front-axle cross member
Preliminary work
1. Put steering wheel with wheels in straight ahead position and remove ignition key (steering wheel fixed.)
2. Raise the vehicle -> 4X00IN01 Lifting the vehicle Service and Repair and remove the front wheels -> 440519 Removing and installing wheel Removal and Replacement.
3. Remove front cover (underbody protection) -> 519219 Removing and installing front cover 519219 Removing and installing Cover For Front Underbody.
Removing and installing front-axle cross member
1. Pull connector -A- from sensor for HBA and loosen threaded joint -B- on control lever.
HBA sensor
2. Loosen support for coolant pipes (screwed on 4x) and press together the support for coolant pipes in the centre -arrows- and unclip.
Support for coolant pipes
3. Loosen anti-roll-bar mount -arrows- and allow anti-roll bar to hang.
Front anti-roll-bar mount
4. Loosen trailing arm on front-axle cross member -arrow - and pull out of the mount.
Trailing arm mount for axle cross member
5. Remove screw -arrow- from universal joint (steering column). Carefully push steering column upward until the universal joint loosens from the steering gear.
Universal joint
6. Remove the steering mount (2 M10 screws on front-axle cross member).
7. Remove diagonal braces (2 screws -1 + 2- and 2 M12 nuts on front-axle cross member).
Remove protective plate (cover under tank). To do so, loosen the screw from the right and left tank restraining strap.
Remove the mounts -3 to 10- and carefully lower the front-axle cross member (two workers required!).
Cross member with diagonal brace to body
Always replace the screw for the universal joint of the steering column.
Observe correct tightening torques.
-> 4001TW Tightening torques for front axle 4001TW Tightening torques for front axle.
Installation is in reverse order.
Subsequent work
Fit the front cover (underbody protection) -> 519219 Removing and installing front cover 519219 Removing and installing Cover For Front Underbody.
Fit front wheels -> 440519 Removing and installing wheel Removal and Replacement.
Check the steering-angle sensor setting.
Adjust toe -> 449503 Performing front and rear suspension alignment Service and Repair. Calibrate steering-angle sensor if necessary.