Repair and Diagnosis: Service and Repair
WM 502355 Replacing luggage compartment bracket
Technical values
Preliminary work
Preliminary work for body repairs (without straightening system)
1. Remove accessories in the repair area.
1.1. Remove accessories in the repair area according to the extent of damage on the vehicle.
2. Cover accessories adjacent to the repair area on the vehicle.
2.1. Cover all accessories remaining on the vehicle and adjacent areas with fire-proof protective covers.
3. Reshape connection area of the sheetmetal parts to be replaced. See Information on aluminium repairs -> 5X00IN05 Information on aluminium repairs
4. Expose joint areas.
4.1. Remove underbody protection, paint, etc. from the joint areas of the body using a hot-air gun or rotary brush.
Safety instructions and information on quality
Safety instructions and information on quality
Non-observance of safety instructions for body repairs
- Risk of damage to the vehicle
- Danger of injury
-> Read the relevant safety instructions as well as general information and quality instructions -> 5X00IN01 Safety instructions.
- Protection of electrical components during body repairs -> 5X00IN02 Protection of electrical components during body repairs
- Corrosion protection measures during repairs -> 5X00IN03 Corrosion protection measures during repairs
- Information on aluminium repairs -> 5X00IN05 Information on aluminium repairs
- Body parts of various sheet-steel strengths -> 5X00IN04 Body parts of various sheet-steel strengths
- Replacing punch rivets and penetrated joints -> 5X00IN23 Replacing punch rivets and penetrated joints
- Setting self-tapping screws -> 5X00IN24 Setting self-tapping screws
- Working with body structural adhesive -> 5X00IN21 Working with body structural adhesive
Removing luggage compartment bracket
Removing luggage compartment bracket
Luggage compartment bracket
1. Remove front closing panel. -> 501055 Replacing front closing panel
2. Drill through clinch points using a -> Diameter: 6.5 mm.
3. Drill through punch rivets using a twist drill Nr.201.
Grind down welded seams.
Removing luggage compartment bracket
Removing luggage compartment bracket
Removing luggage compartment bracket
Removing luggage compartment bracket
4. Heat bonding areas. Hot-air blower, Leister-Electron/V.A.G. 1416 WE 1119
Loosening bonding areas
5. Remove luggage compartment bracket.
Preparing luggage compartment bracket for installation
Preparing luggage compartment bracket for installation
1. Fit luggage compartment bracket and secure it to the body.
1.1. Drill bores for the rivets through the existing holes. -> Diameter: 6.5 mm
2. Drill new holes in the areas shown. -> Diameter: 6.5 mm
Drilling new holes
Drilling new holes
Drilling new holes
Drilling new holes
3. Countersink the bores shown for installing countersunk rivets. Countersink Nr.202
4. Remove luggage compartment bracket.
5. De-burr the bores.
6. Prepare connection areas for bonding. -> 5X00IN21 Working with body structural adhesive
Bonding areas
Bonding areas
Bonding areas
Bonding areas
Preparing connection areas of body for installing luggage compartment bracket
Preparing connection areas of body for installing luggage compartment bracket
1. Prepare connection areas for bonding.
Bonding areas
Bonding areas
Bonding areas
Installing luggage compartment bracket
Installing luggage compartment bracket
1. Apply adhesive. -> Application depth: 5 mm
Bonding areas
Bonding areas
Bonding areas
2. Fit luggage compartment bracket.
3. Rivet in luggage compartment bracket.
3.1. Rivet in areas shown using -> BLIND RIVET 999.190.228.01.
3.2. Rivet in areas shown using -> BLIND RIVET 999.190.230.01.
Installing luggage compartment bracket
3.3. Rivet in areas shown using -> BLIND RIVET 999.190.227.01.
Installing luggage compartment bracket
Installing luggage compartment bracket
Installing luggage compartment bracket
3.4. Rivet in areas shown using -> BLIND RIVET 999.190.229.01.
Installing luggage compartment bracket
4. Make ground connections.
4.1. Drill bores for ground connections. -> Diameter: 8.2 mm
Screw-on points for ground connection
4.2. Make ground connection using a screw and nut. -> 5X00IN25 Making ground connections-> COUNTERSUNK SCREW 999.073.549.01 -> HEXAGON NUT 900.377.003.01 -> Tightening torque: 15 Nm (11 ftlb.)
Ground connections
4.3. Carefully seal screw heads and nuts.
5. Install front closing panel. -> 501055 Replacing front closing panel
Subsequent work
Subsequent work for body repairs (without straightening system)
1. Clean joint areas and sheetmetal flanges with a wire brush.
2. Prime joint areas and sheetmetal flanges with 2K primer.
3. Restore standard seal with body sealant -> 5X00IN42 Seam sealing.
Also seal the repair area carefully.
4. Paint repair area and adjacent surfaces, if necessary.
5. Restore standard underbody protection with underbody sealant -> 5X00IN43 Underbody protection.
6. Apply standard cavity preservation -> 5X00IN44 Cavity preservation. Also carefully apply cavity preservation to the repair area.
7. Install removed accessories in the repair area.
991110, 991111, 991120, 991121, 991310, 991311, 991320, 991321, 991410, 991411, 991420, 991421, 991430, 991431, 991510, 991511, 991520, 991521, 991610, 991611, 991620, 991621
Model year as of 2012
C00, C02, C05, C06, C07, C08, C09, C10, C11, C12, C13, C14, C15, C16, C17, C18, C19, C20, C21, C22, C23, C24, C25, C26, C27, C28, C32, C33, C34, C35, C36, C37, C38, C39, C41, C45, C46, C96, C97, C98, C99