Hybrid Drive Systems: Description and Operation
1 Description Of The DMCM With Relevant Actuators And SensorsThe DMCM (drive motor control module) controls the function of the electric drive motor during the driving cycle and in post- and pre drive. The following figure shows the DMCM with connectors to its periphery including the connectors to the high voltage battery (HVB) and the vehicle CAN.
The DMCM supports a full OBD I/OBD II compatible diagnosis of all sensors and actuators. In chapter 3 all monitoring functions will be described in detail.
1.1 System states of the DMCM
In the following description of the different fault paths there are some internal system states of the DMCM used which will be described here:
Init The DMCM is in an initial state beginning with the key on signal. In this state the connectors to the High Voltage Battery are open. For this reason driving with electric drive motor is not possible. Some basic diagnostic fault paths are checked in this state.
Drive The state drive is activated if the init state is finished. The system will not be activated if a dangerous fault will be detected by the DMCM or any other control module, e.g. ECM (Engine Control Module) or BECM (Battery Management Control Module).
Angle Calibration During first initialization or after erasing the fault codes via tester functionality the angle offset has to be reset and adapted again. For this reason the electric drive motor will be accelerated without traction to the wheels.