Adjustment values for suspension alignment
Vehicle height with steel springs, V6/V8
* The following values relate to the curb weight, i.e. full fuel tank, vehicle with tire repair kit (or spare wheel, collapsible wheel) and tools, but without driver and without additional weights.
* Tire pressure in accordance with specifications.
* If the vehicle is a Panamera with air suspension, it must be adjusted to the normal vehicle level. Adjust from the low level to the normal level for the vehicle. The vehicle may be aligned and adjusted in this position only.
* If the control unit or one of the self-leveling sensors has been replaced, calibration must be carried out using the Porsche System Tester.
Vehicle height, air springs
* The following values relate to the curb weight, i.e. full fuel tank, vehicle with tire repair kit (or spare wheel, collapsible wheel) and tools, but without driver and without additional weights.
* Tire pressure in accordance with specifications.
* If the vehicle is a Panamera with air suspension, it must be adjusted to the normal vehicle level. Adjust from the low level to the normal level for the vehicle. The vehicle may be aligned and adjusted in this position only.
* If the control unit or one of the self-leveling sensors has been replaced, calibration must be carried out using the Porsche System Tester.
Adjust vehicle to normal level. Is described in the work instructions for lifting the vehicle.
Wheel alignment values, steel springs
See requirements for suspension alignment.
Steering-angle sensor not calibrated or calibrated incorrectly
* Unexpected vehicle handling
* Steering-angle sensor does not function
* Malfunction in steering-angle sensor
-> After working on wheel suspension parts, when replacing the steering-angle sensor, and after changing the wheel alignment values, calibrate the steering-angle sensor using the Porsche System Tester.
-> Keep the front wheels in straight-ahead position on the measuring platform during calibration.
-> Check the actual value of the steering-angle sensor after suspension alignment where no changes were made to the wheel alignment values.
* The following values relate to the empty weight, i.e. full fuel tank, vehicle with spare wheel (collapsible wheel) and tools, but without driver and without additional weights.
* Tire pressure in accordance with specifications.
* The toe-difference angle value is also influenced by the vehicle height. For this reason the measured result must be evaluated accordingly. No action is necessary in the case of small deviations from the toe-difference angle's required value as long as the value to the right and left is almost the same.
Wheel alignment values, air springs
Steering-angle sensor not calibrated or calibrated incorrectly
* Unexpected vehicle handling
* Steering-angle sensor does not function
* Malfunction in steering-angle sensor
-> After working on wheel suspension parts, when replacing the steering-angle sensor, and after changing the wheel alignment values, calibrate the steering-angle sensor using the Porsche System Tester.
-> Keep the front wheels in straight-ahead position on the measuring platform during calibration.
-> Check the actual value of the steering-angle sensor after suspension alignment where no changes were made to the wheel alignment values.
* The following values relate to the empty weight, i.e. full fuel tank, vehicle with spare wheel (collapsible wheel) and tools, but without driver and without additional weights.
* Tire pressure in accordance with specifications.
* The toe-difference angle value is also influenced by the vehicle height. For this reason the measured result must be evaluated accordingly. No action is necessary in the case of small deviations from the toe-difference angle's required value as long as the value to the right and left is almost the same.
See requirements for suspension alignment.