Cleaning & Inspection & Valve Seal
Cleaning and Inspection
Before cleaning the block surface, insert clean, lint-free shop towels in the cylinder bores to prevent dirt entry.
Cover the cylinder head oil feed passage (59) in the block with tape (Fig. 25). Dirt, grease, and foreign material must be kept out of this passage. If the passage becomes blocked or restricted, cylinder head oil feed will be impaired resulting in rapid wear of the camshaft, tappets and valves.
The cylinder block gasket surface can be cleaned with a scraper tool. However, scraper tools must not be used on the cylinder head.
CAUTION: Do not use any type of scraper tool on the cylinder head gasket surfaces. Use chemical cleaners only to remove old gasket material and carbon deposits.
Clean the cylinder head gasket surfaces with a chemical cleaner such as Permatex(R) Gasket Remover, or equivalent. Remove the cleaning residue with shop rags and a wood block. Wear safety glasses during cleaning operations and do not allow the residue to contact painted surfaces.
Use compressed air to clean and dry the cylinder head ports, passages and combustion chambers.
Use a syringe or similar tool to remove oil and or coolant from the cylinder block bolt holes. The bolt holes must be clean and dry for proper head bolt tightening.
Clean the intake and exhaust manifolds. Use compressed air to dry the manifolds and verify that the ports are clear and free of dirt or foreign material.
Inspect the cylinder block and head. Replace either component if cracked, warped, or damaged in any way. Check cylinder head flatness with a feeler gauge and straight edge. Replace the head if gasket surface distortion exceeds 0.05 mm (0.002 in).
Clean the valve guides with a nylon brush. Make sure the guides and valve stems are smooth and free of burrs.
Valve Seal Installation
CAUTION: Tool Mot. ML.02 must be used to install the new valve seals. Substitute tools will damage the seals during installation and cause leakage after assembly.
1. Install the replacement seal (60) on the pilot shank (61) of seal installer tool Mot. ML.02 (Fig. 26). Slide the seal all the way onto the shank. Be sure the small diameter, springend of the seal faces the tool as shown.
2. Insert the pilot shank of the Mot. ML.02 tool into the top of the valve guide (62) (Fig. 27).
3. Tap the Mot. ML.02 tool with a rubber mallet
(63) until the tool stops against the valve guide boss (64) (Fig. 28).
4. Install the remaining valve seals as described in steps 1 through 3.