Manual Transmission/Transaxle: Service and Repair
1. Disconnect battery ground cable and remove air cleaner.
2. Raise and support vehicle.
3. Remove filler and drain plugs and drain transaxle.
4. Remove front wheels and disconnect driveshafts.
5. Disconnect gearshift lever linkage and engine/transaxle support rod.
6. Remove clutch shield and mounting pad nuts.
7. Disconnect back-up lamp switch electrical connector and remove TDC sensor.
8. Disconnect clutch cable, speedometer cable, and ground wire.
9. Remove radiator and position out of way without disconnecting hoses.
10. Using suitable lifting device, raise engine slightly to free rear mounts.
Fig. 6 Lifting device attaching point on transaxle.:
11. Attach another suitable lifting device to clutch cable bracket and bolt A on transaxle, Fig. 6.
12. Remove starter motor mounting bolts.
13. Remove transaxle retaining bolts, then separate transaxle from engine and lift free of chassis. On 5-speed transaxle, slide 5th speed casing between side members.
14. Raise engine and slide transaxle into clutch splines.
15. Install transaxle retaining nuts, then remove lifting device from transaxle.
16. Install starter motor mounting bolts.
17. Lower engine onto mounting pads and install nuts, torquing them to 26 ft.lbs.
18. Install radiator and clutch shield.
19. Connect clutch cable, speedometer cable, and ground wire. Secure speedometer cable with clip.
20. Connect back-up lamp switch electrical connector and install TDC sensor.
21. Install air filter.
22. Connect gearshift lever linkage and engine/transaxle support.
23. Connect driveshafts.
24. Install front wheels and torque lugs to 55 ft.lbs.
25. Remove transaxle breather plug, fill transaxle, and install breather plug.