A L L Diagnostic Trouble Codes ( DTC )
Testing and Inspection
- Diagnostic Trouble Code Descriptions
- B Code Charts
- B0001
- B0012
- B0013
- B0014
- B0016
- B0017
- B0018
- B0022
- B0024
- B0026
- B0028
- B0029
- B0030
- B0040
- B0041
- B0042
- B0043
- B0044
- B0045
- B0051
- B0053
- B0057
- B0058
- B0059
- B0064
- B0065
- B0066
- B0077
- B0078
- B0079
- B0080
- B0081
- B0082
- B0083
- B0084
- B0092
- B0096
- B0097
- B0100
- B0101
- B0103
- B0104
- B1000
- B1001
- B1009
- B1025
- B1035
- B1045
- B1055
- B1100
- B1110
- B1115
- B1145
- B1150
- B1160
- B1190
- B1210
- B1215
- B1220
- B1235
- B1240
- B1259
- B1271
- B1287
- B1327
- B1328
- B1340
- B1345
- B1350
- B1361
- B1375
- B1510
- B1515
- B1525
- B1530
- B1600
- B1605
- B1610
- B1620
- B1720
- B1735
- B1736
- B1746
- B1772
- B1780
- B1785
- B1790
- B1795
- B1890
- B1928
- B2017
- B2055
- B2173
- B2190
- B2195
- B2280
- B2290
- B2295
- B2296
- B2345
- B2355
- B2360
- B2366
- B2371
- B2375
- B2380
- B2385
- B2400
- B2405
- B2406
- B2410
- B2425
- B2429
- B2434
- B2455
- B2462
- B2470
- B2476
- B2480
- B2482
- B2483
- B2484
- B2490
- B2495
- B2496
- B2575
- B2600
- B2602
- B2605
- B2610
- B2615
- B2620
- B2625
- B2650
- B2670
- B2750
- B2752
- B2755
- B2760
- B2762
- B2765
- B2767
- B2770
- B2772
- B2775
- B2780
- B2785
- B2790
- B2795
- B2800
- B2802
- B2805
- B2810
- B2815
- B2902
- B2906
- B2907
- B2908
- B2916
- B2917
- B2918
- B2919
- B2926
- B2927
- B2928
- B2929
- B2936
- B2937
- B2938
- B2939
- B2945
- B2950
- B3410
- B3420
- B3435
- C Code Charts
- P Code Charts
- P0100
- P0101
- P0102
- Fault Conditions
- Diagnostic Procedures
- Checking Air Leakage
- Checking the Sensor's Power Supply
- Checking the Sensor's Grounding
- Checking the Control Module's Sensor Input
- Diagnostic Procedure
- Rectifying the Lead - I
- Rectifying the Lead - II
- Rectifying the Lead - III
- Changing Components
- Checking Mass Air Flow When Under Partial Load
- Remedial Action OK
- Fault Not Rectified
- P0103
- P0106
- P0107
- P0108
- P0112
- P0113
- P0115
- P0116
- Fault Conditions
- Diagnostic Procedures
- Checking Coolant
- Choice of Action
- Checking the Antifreeze
- Checking the Thermostat
- Changing Components - I
- Checking the Sensor's Grounding
- Rectifying the Lead - I
- Checking the Control Module's Sensor Input
- Rectifying the Lead - II
- Changing Components - II
- Checking Temperature
- Fault Not Rectified
- Remedial Action OK
- Rectifying the Lead - III
- P0117
- P0118
- P0119
- P0125
- Fault Conditions
- Diagnostic Procedures
- Check Additional Diagnostic Trouble Codes In the Trionic System
- Checking the Antifreeze
- Checking Temperature
- Checking the Sensor's Grounding - I
- Checking the Control Module's Sensor Input - I
- Rectifying the Lead - I
- Rectifying the Lead - II
- Changing Components - I
- Checking the Thermostat
- Changing Components - II
- Checking the Sensor's Grounding - II
- Checking the Control Module's Sensor Input - II
- Rectifying the Lead - III
- Rectifying the Lead - IV
- Changing Components - III
- Checking Diagnostic Status
- Initiating Diagnostics
- Remedial Action OK
- Information
- Fault Not Rectified
- P0131
- P0132
- P0133
- P0134
- P0137
- P0138
- P0140
- P0171
- P0172
- Fault Conditions
- Diagnostic Procedures
- Checking the Manifold Absolute Pressure Sensor
- Checking Mass Air Flow When Idling
- -15% to -15%
- Other Value
- Checking Mass Air Flow When Under Partial Load
- Checking the Fuel Supply
- Checking the Fuel Pump Flow Rate
- Checking Injector Flow Rate
- Implementation of Driving Cycle
- Performing A Driving Cycle
- Remedial Action OK
- Fault Not Rectified - I
- Fault Not Rectified - II
- Diagnostic Procedure - I
- Checking Air Leakage Before Flap
- Diagnostic Procedure - II
- Changing Components
- P0218
- P0300
- Fault Conditions
- Diagnostic Procedures
- Check Additional Diagnostic Trouble Codes In the Trionic System
- Checking Further Diagnostic Trouble Codes In Trionic
- Selecting Diagnostic Trouble Code Procedure
- Reacting Freeze Frame
- Checking Fundamental Causes of Fault
- Checking Cylinder Compression
- Checking Air Leakage After Flap
- Diagnostic Procedure - I
- Diagnostic Procedure - II
- Diagnostic Procedure - III
- One or More of: P0172, P1171, P1172, P1181, P1182
- Checking the Manifold Absolute Pressure Sensor
- Checking Miss Air Flow When Under Partial Load
- Checking Mass Air Flow When Idling
- Checking Air Leakage After Flap
- Checking Air Leakage Before Flap
- Diagnostic Procedure - I
- Diagnostic Procedure - II
- Diagnostic Procedure - III
- Checking the Fuel Supply
- Checking the Fuel Pump Flow Rate
- Checking Injector Flow Rate
- Implementation of Driving Cycle
- Performing A Driving Cycle (Continued)
- Resetting the Misfire Counter to Zero
- Checking Misfiring
- Check Additional Diagnostic Trouble Codes, Trionic System
- Checking the Catalytic Converter
- Initiating Diagnostics
- Remedial Action OK - I
- Remedial Action Ok - II
- Information
- Changing Components - I
- Changing Components - II
- Changing Components - III
- Changing Components - IV
- Fault Not Rectified - I
- Fault Not Rectified - II
- Resetting The Misfire Counter to Zero
- Checking Misfiring
- Changing Components - I
- Changing Components - II
- Changing Components - III
- Changing Components - IV
- Checking the Ignition Discharge Module
- Checking the Manifold Absolute Pressure Sensor
- Checking Mass Air Flow When Idling
- Checking Mass Air Flow When Under Partial Load
- Checking Air Leakage Before Flap
- Checking the Fuel Supply
- Checking the Fuel Pump Flow Rate
- Checking Injector Flow Rate
- Implementation of Driving Cycle
- Performing A Driving Cycle
- Remedial Action OK
- Fault Not Rectified - I
- Fault Not Rectified - II
- P0301
- Fault Conditions
- Diagnostic Procedures
- Check Additional Diagnostic Trouble Codes In the Trionic System
- Diagnostic Procedure - I
- Check Additional Diagnostic Trouble Codes
- Reading Freeze Frame
- Checking Cylinder Compression
- Diagnostic Procedure - II
- Resetting the Misfire Counter to Zero
- Checking Misfiring
- Remedial Action OK
- Fault Not Rectified
- Changing Components - I
- Changing Components - II
- Selecting the Cylinder
- Rectifying the Lead - I
- Rectifying the Lead - II
- Rectifying the Lead - III
- Checking the Fuse
- Identifying the Defective Circuit
- Checking the Valve's Power Supply
- Checking the Valve's Control Module Output
- P0302
- Fault Conditions
- Diagnostic Procedures
- Check Additional Diagnostic Trouble Codes In the Trionic System
- Diagnostic Procedure - I
- Check Additional Diagnostic Trouble Codes
- Reading Freeze Frame
- Checking Cylinder Compression
- Diagnostic Procedure - II
- Resetting the Misfire Counter to Zero
- Checking Misfiring
- Remedial Action OK
- Fault Not Rectified
- Changing Components - I
- Changing Components - II
- Rectifying the Lead - I
- Rectifying the Lead - II
- Rectifying the Lead - III
- Checking the Fuse
- Identifying the Defective Circuit
- Checking the Valve's Power Supply
- Checking the Valve's Control Module Output
- P0303
- Fault Conditions
- Diagnostic Procedures
- Check Additional Diagnostic Trouble Codes In the Trionic System
- Diagnostic Procedure - I
- Check Additional Diagnostic Trouble Codes
- Reading Freeze Frame
- Checking Cylinder Compression
- Diagnostic Procedure - II
- Resetting the Misfire Counter to Zero
- Checking Misfiring
- Remedial Action OK
- Fault Not Rectified
- Changing Components - I
- Changing Components - II
- Rectifying the Lead - I
- Rectifying the Lead - II
- Rectifying the Lead - III
- Checking the Fuse
- Identifying the Defective Circuit
- Checking the Valve's Power Supply
- Checking the Valve's Control Module Output
- P0304
- Fault Conditions
- Diagnostic Procedures
- Check Additional Diagnostic Trouble Codes In the Trionic System
- Diagnostic Procedure - I
- Check Additional Diagnostic Trouble Codes
- Checking the Fuse
- Identifying the Defective Circuit
- Checking the Valve's Power Supply
- Checking the Valve's Control Module Output
- Rectifying the Lead - I
- Rectifying the Lead - II
- Rectifying the Lead - III
- Reading Freeze Frame
- Checking Cylinder Compression
- Changing Components - I
- Changing Components - II
- Diagnostic Procedure - II
- Resetting the Misfire Counter to Zero
- Checking Misfiring
- Remedial Action OK
- Fault Not Rectified
- P0327
- P0336
- P0337
- P0340
- P0420
- P0441
- P0442
- P0444
- P0445
- P0452
- P0453
- P0455
- P0456
- P0501
- P0502
- P0506
- P0507
- P0560
- P0602
- P0605
- P0703
- P0705
- P0711
- P0712
- P0713
- P0717
- P0722
- P0725
- P0730
- P0731
- P0732
- P0733
- P0734
- P0735
- P0736
- P0743
- P0748
- P0753
- P0758
- P0763
- P0768
- P0773
- P0780
- P0785
- P0826
- P1105
- P1106
- P1107
- P1108
- P1110
- P1131
- P1132
- P1133
- P1135
- P1136
- P1137
- P1141
- P1142
- P1171
- Fault Conditions
- Diagnostic Procedures
- Diagnostic Procedure - I
- Diagnostic Procedure - II
- Diagnostic Procedure - III
- Checking the Manifold Absolute Pressure Sensor
- Checking Mass Air Flow When Idling
- Checking Air Leakage After Flap
- Implementation of Driving Cycle
- Performing A Driving Cycle (Continued)
- Checking Mass Air Flow When Under Partial Load
- Checking Air Leakage Before Flap
- Checking the Fuel Supply
- Checking the Fuel Pump Flow Rate
- Checking Injector Flow Rate
- Fault Not Rectified - I
- Fault Not Rectified - II
- Changing Components - I
- Changing Components - II
- Remedial Action Ok
- P1172
- Fault Conditions
- Diagnostic Procedures
- Checking the Manifold Absolute Pressure Sensor
- Checking Mass Air Flow When Idling
- Checking Mass Air Flow When Under Partial Load
- Checking the Fuel Supply
- Checking the Fuel Pump Flow Rate
- Checking Injector Flow Rate
- Checking Air Leakage After Flap
- Checking Air Leakage Before Flap
- Diagnostic Procedure - I
- Diagnostic Procedure - II
- Diagnostic Procedure - III
- Implementation of Driving Cycle
- Performing A Driving Cycle (Continued)
- Changing Components - I
- Changing Components - II
- Fault Not Rectified - I
- Fault Not Rectified - II
- Remedial Action Ok
- P1181
- Fault Conditions
- Diagnostic Procedures
- Checking the Manifold Absolute Pressure Sensor
- Checking Mass Air Flow When Idling
- Checking Mass Air Flow When Under Partial Load
- Checking the Fuel Supply
- Checking the Fuel Pump Flow Rate
- Checking Injector Flow Rate
- Checking Air Leakage After Flap
- Checking Air Leakage Before Flap
- Diagnostic Procedure - I
- Diagnostic Procedure - II
- Diagnostic Procedure - III
- Implementation of Driving Cycle
- Performing A Driving Cycle (Continued)
- Changing Components - I
- Changing Components - II
- Fault Not Rectified - I
- Fault Not Rectified - II
- Remedial Action Ok
- P1182
- Fault Conditions
- Diagnostic Procedures
- Checking the Manifold Absolute Pressure Sensor
- Checking Mass Air Flow When Idling
- Checking Mass Air Flow When Under Partial Load
- Checking the Fuel Supply
- Checking the Fuel Pump Flow Rate
- Checking Injector Flow Rate
- Checking Air Leakage After Flap
- Checking Air Leakage Before Flap
- Diagnostic Procedure - I
- Diagnostic Procedure - II
- Diagnostic Procedure - III
- Implementation of Driving Cycle
- Performing A Driving Cycle (Continued)
- Fault Not Rectified - I
- Fault Not Rectified - II
- Remedial Action Ok
- Changing Components - I
- Changing Components - II
- P1230
- Fault Conditions
- Diagnostic Procedures
- Checking the Sensor's Grounding
- Checking Control Module Sensor Input 1
- Checking Control Module Sensor Input 2
- Checking the Sensors Power Supply
- Rectifying the Lead - I
- Rectifying the Lead - II
- Rectifying the Lead - III
- Rectifying the Lead - IV
- Rectifying the Lead - V
- Rectifying the Lead - VI
- Changing Components
- Resetting the Limp-Home Mechanism
- Final Check
- P1231
- P1240
- P1251
- P1252
- P1253
- P1260
- P1261
- P1263
- P1264
- P1300
- Fault Conditions
- Diagnostic Procedures
- Check Additional Diagnostic Trouble Codes, Trionic System - I
- Check Additional Diagnostic Trouble Codes, Trionic System - II
- Reading Freeze Frame
- Checking Fundamental Causes of Faults
- Checking Cylinder Compression
- Checking the Manifold Absolute Pressure Sensor
- Checking Mass Air Flow When Under Partial Load
- Checking Air Leakage Before Flap
- Checking the Fuel Supply
- Checking the Fuel Pump Flow Rate
- Checking Injector Flow Rate
- Diagnostic Procedure - I
- Diagnostic Procedure - II
- Diagnostic Procedure - III
- Diagnostic Procedure - IV
- Implementation of Driving Cycle
- Performing A Driving Cycle (Continued)
- Resetting the Misfire Counter to Zero - I
- Resetting the Misfire Counter to Zero - II
- Checking Misfiring - I
- Checking Misfiring - II
- Checking the Catalytic Converter
- Initiating Diagnostics
- Checking the Ignition Discharge Module
- Checking Miss Air Flow When Idling
- Checking Air Leakage After Flap
- Information
- Changing Components - I
- Changing Components - II
- Changing Components - III
- Changing Components - IV
- Changing Components - V
- Remedial Action OK - I
- Remedial Action OK - II
- Fault Not Rectified - I
- Fault Not Rectified - II
- Selecting Diagnostic Trouble Code Procedure
- Changing Components - VI
- P1301
- Diagnostic Procedures
- Check Additional Diagnostic Trouble Codes
- Checking the Fuse
- Identifying the Defective Circuit
- Check Additional Diagnostic Trouble Codes In the Trionic System
- Rectifying the Lead - I
- Resetting the Misfire Counter to Zero
- Checking Misfiring
- Fault Not Rectified
- Checking the Valve's Power Supply
- Rectifying the Lead - II
- Checking the Valve's Control Module Output
- Rectifying the Lead - III
- Changing Components - I
- Reading Freeze Frame
- Checking Cylinder Compression
- Diagnostic Procedure
- Checking the Catalytic Converter
- Initiating Diagnostics
- Remedial Action OK
- Information
- Changing Components - II
- Changing Components - III
- Selecting the Cylinder
- Checking the Ignition Coil For Cylinder 1
- Checking the Ignition Coil For Cylinder 2
- Checking the Ignition Coil For Cylinder 3
- Checking the Ignition Coil For Cylinder 4
- Rectifying the Lead - IV
- Changing Components - IV
- Checking the Ignition Discharge Module - I
- Checking the Ignition Discharge Module - II
- Checking the Ignition Discharge Module - III
- Checking the Ignition Discharge Module - IV
- Checking an Injector
- Changing Components - V
- Changing Components - VI
- Changing Components - VII
- Changing Components - VIII
- Fault Conditions
- Diagnostic Procedures
- P1302
- Fault Conditions
- Diagnostic Procedures
- Check Additional Diagnostic Trouble Codes
- Reading Freeze Frame
- Checking Cylinder Compression
- Diagnostic Procedure
- Selecting the Cylinder
- Checking the Ignition Coil For Cylinder 1
- Checking the Ignition Coil For Cylinder 2
- Checking the Ignition Coil For Cylinder 3
- Checking the Ignition Coil For Cylinder 4
- Checking the Fuse
- Identifying the Defective Circuit
- Checking the Valve's Power Supply
- Checking the Valve's Control Module Output
- Resetting the Misfire Counter to Zero
- Checking Misfiring
- Check Additional Diagnostic Trouble Codes In the Trionic System
- Checking the Catalytic Converter
- Initiating Diagnostics
- Information
- Checking the Ignition Discharge Module - I
- Checking the Ignition Discharge Module - II
- Checking the Ignition Discharge Module - III
- Checking the Ignition Discharge Module - IV
- Checking an Injector
- Changing Components - I
- Changing Components - II
- Changing Components - III
- Changing Components - IV
- Changing Components - V
- Changing Components - VI
- Changing Components - VII
- Changing Components - VIII
- Rectifying the Lead - I
- Rectifying the Lead - II
- Rectifying the Lead - III
- Rectifying the Lead - IV
- Remedial Action OK
- Fault Not Rectified
- P1303
- Fault Conditions
- Diagnostic Procedures
- Check Additional Diagnostic Trouble Codes
- Reading Freeze Frame
- Checking Cylinder Compression
- Diagnostic Procedure
- Selecting the Cylinder
- Checking the Ignition Coil For Cylinder 1
- Checking the Ignition Coil For Cylinder 2
- Checking the Ignition Coil For Cylinder 3
- Checking the Ignition Coil For Cylinder 4
- Checking the Fuse
- Identifying the Defective Circuit
- Checking the Valve's Power Supply
- Checking the Valve's Control Module Output
- Resetting the Misfire Counter to Zero
- Checking Misfiring
- Check Additional Diagnostic Trouble Codes In the Trionic System
- Checking the Catalytic Converter
- Initiating Diagnostics
- Information
- Checking the Ignition Discharge Module - I
- Checking the Ignition Discharge Module - II
- Checking the Ignition Discharge Module - III
- Checking the Ignition Discharge Module - IV
- Checking an Injector
- Changing Components - I
- Changing Components - II
- Changing Components - III
- Changing Components - IV
- Changing Components - V
- Changing Components - VI
- Changing Components - VII
- Changing Components - VIII
- Rectifying the Lead - I
- Rectifying the Lead - II
- Rectifying the Lead - III
- Rectifying the Lead - IV
- Remedial Action OK
- Fault Not Rectified
- P1304
- Fault Conditions
- Diagnostic Procedures
- Check Additional Diagnostic Trouble Codes
- Reading Freeze Frame
- Checking Cylinder Compression
- Diagnostic Procedure
- Selecting the Cylinder
- Checking the Ignition Coil For Cylinder 1
- Checking the Ignition Coil For Cylinder 2
- Checking the Ignition Coil For Cylinder 3
- Checking the Ignition Coil For Cylinder 4
- Checking the Fuse
- Identifying the Defective Circuit
- Checking the Valve's Power Supply
- Checking the Valve's Control Module Output
- Resetting the Misfire Counter to Zero
- Checking Misfiring
- Check Additional Diagnostic Trouble Codes In the Trionic System
- Checking the Catalytic Converter
- Initiating Diagnostics
- Information
- Checking the Ignition Discharge Module - I
- Checking the Ignition Discharge Module - II
- Checking the Ignition Discharge Module - III
- Checking the Ignition Discharge Module - IV
- Checking an Injector
- Changing Components - I
- Changing Components - II
- Changing Components - III
- Changing Components - IV
- Changing Components - V
- Changing Components - VI
- Changing Components - VII
- Changing Components - VIII
- Rectifying the Lead - I
- Rectifying the Lead - II
- Rectifying the Lead - III
- Rectifying the Lead - IV
- Remedial Action OK
- Fault Not Rectified
- P1310
- P1312
- P1334
- P1390
- P1391
- P1392
- P1393
- P1394
- Fault Conditions
- Diagnostic Procedures
- Check Additional Diagnostic Trouble Codes,Trionic System - I
- Check Additional Diagnostic Trouble Codes, Trionic System - II
- Resetting the Misfire Counter to Zero
- Checking Misfiring
- Checking the Catalytic Converter
- Initiating Diagnostics
- Remedial Action OK
- Information - I
- Information - II
- Checking the Fuse
- Identifying the Defective Circuit
- Checking the Valve's Power Supply
- Checking the Valve's Control Module Output
- Rectifying the Lead - I
- Rectifying the Lead - II
- Rectifying the Lead - III
- Changing Components - I
- Changing Components - II
- Changing Components - III
- Fault Not Rectified
- P1441
- P1442
- P1444
- P1445
- P1451
- P1452
- Fault Conditions
- Diagnostic Procedures
- Checking the EVAP Canister Purge Valve
- Checking the Tank Pressure Equalization to Atmospheric
- Rectifying Pressure Equalization
- Checking the Sensor's Power Supply
- Checking the Sensor's Grounding
- Checking the Control Module's Sensor Input
- Rectifying the Lead - I
- Rectifying the Lead - II
- Rectifying the Lead - III
- Changing Components - I
- Changing Components - II
- Checking Diagnostic Status
- Initiating Diagnostics
- Remedial Action OK
- Information
- Fault Not Rectified
- P1453
- Fault Conditions
- Diagnostic Procedures
- Checking the Tank Pressure Equalization to Atmospheric
- Checking the Sensor's Power Supply
- Checking the Sensor's Grounding
- Checking the Control Module's Sensor Input
- Rectifying Pressure Equalization
- Rectifying the Lead - I
- Rectifying the Lead - II
- Rectifying the Lead - III
- Changing Components
- Checking Diagnostic Status
- Initiating Diagnostics
- Remedial Action OK
- Information
- Fault Not Rectified
- P1455
- P1456
- P1460
- P1491
- P1492
- P1493
- P1530
- Fault Conditions
- Diagnostic Procedures
- Checking the Sensor's Grounding
- Checking the Sensor's Power Supply
- Checking Control Module Sensor Input 1
- Checking Control Module Sensor Input 2
- Changing Components
- Rectifying the Lead - I
- Rectifying the Lead - II
- Rectifying the Lead - III
- Rectifying the Lead - IV
- Rectifying the Lead - V
- Rectifying the Lead - VI
- Resetting the Limp-Home Mechanism
- Final Check
- P1531
- Fault Conditions
- Diagnostic Procedures
- Checking the Sensor's Grounding
- Checking the Sensor's Power Supply
- Checking Control Module Sensor Input 1
- Checking Control Module Sensor Input 2
- Rectifying the Lead - I
- Rectifying the Lead - II
- Rectifying the Lead - III
- Rectifying the Lead - IV
- Rectifying the Lead - V
- Rectifying the Lead - VI
- Changing Components
- Resetting the Limp-Home Mechanism
- Final Check
- P1532
- P1549
- P1576
- P1577
- P1601
- P1602
- P1603
- P1604
- P1605
- P1606
- P1607
- P1608
- P1609
- P1610
- P1611
- P1613
- P1614
- P1621
- P1622
- P1623
- P1624
- P1625
- P1631
- P1632
- P1633
- P1640
- P1641
- Fault Conditions
- Diagnostic Procedures
- Information
- Initiating Diagnostics
- Changing Components - I
- Changing Components - II
- Changing Components - III
- Check Additional Diagnostic Trouble Codes In the Trionic System
- Checking Misfiring
- Checking Pin 2 on the Relay Socket (87)
- Checking the Catalytic Converter
- Checking the Relay Power Supply - I
- Checking the Relay Power Supply - II
- Checking the Relay's Control Module Output
- Diagnostic Procedure
- Fault Not Rectified
- Rectifying the Lead - I
- Rectifying the Lead - II
- Rectifying the Lead - III
- Remedial Action OK
- Resetting the Misfire Counter to Zero
- P1652
- P1653
- P1654
- P1655
- P1656
- P1657
- P1658
- P1659
- P1662
- P1663
- P1670
- P1671
- P1676
- Fault Conditions
- Diagnostic Procedures
- Checking the Fuse
- Identifying the Defective Circuit
- Checking the Valve's Power Supply
- Checking the Valve's Control Module Output
- Rectifying the Lead - I
- Rectifying the Lead - II
- Rectifying the Lead - III
- Resetting the Misfire Counter to Zero
- Checking Misfiring
- Check Additional Diagnostic Trouble Codes In the Trionic System
- Checking the Catalytic Converter
- Initiating Diagnostics
- Information
- Changing Components - I
- Changing Components - II
- Changing Components - III
- Remedial Action OK
- Fault Not Rectified
- P1743
- P1803
- P1820
- P1895
- P1901
- P1902
- P1921
- U Code Charts