Test Readings, Rear Left Door Module, (702RL)
Test Readings, Rear Left Door Module, (702RL)
The following pages contain directions and readings for testing signals and levels of the control module.
- Observe the test criteria. Use common sense when assessing the test results.
- Check first that the control module is receiving power and is grounded.
- Then check all sensor inputs and signals from other systems.
- Finally, check the control module outputs. Remember that the test readings are not a confirmation of whether the actuator is in working order.
- If a test reading is incorrect, use the wiring diagram to locate the leads, connectors or components that need to be checked further.
- Specified readings are for a calibrated Fluke 88/97.
- Test readings % (+) and ms (+) indicate the signal pulse ratio and pulse width respectively. A scan tool with pulse ratio and pulse width measurement must be used. The sign indicates positive trigger pulse, TRIG+.
NOTE: All units on the I and P-buses send signals.
NOTE: All units on the I and P-buses send signals.