Brake Fluid: Service and Repair
Changing the brake fluidTightening torque for air nipple 16 Nm (12 lbf ft)
Use 88 19 096 Bleeding equipment when emptying the brake system.
1. Connect the brake bleeder to the air nipple on the front left wheel.
2. Open the nipple and suction out the brake fluid.
3. Disconnect the brake bleeder and close the nipple.
4. Connect the brake bleeder to the air nipple on the right front wheel.
5. Open the nipple and suction out the brake fluid.
6. Disconnect the brake bleeder and close the nipple.
7. Connect the brake bleeder to the clutch bleed nipple.
8. Open the nipple and suction out oil until the level in the reservoir falls below the connection.
9. Disconnect the brake bleeder and close the nipple.
10. Fill up with fresh brake fluid.
11. Bleed the brake system.