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91 21 538 Stone Damage Protection

91 21 538 Stone Damage Protection


11793T Stone damage protection. 500 ml spray.




The product is classified as dangerous goods when transporting. Special regulations apply to packaging, marking and transport, therefore existing lead times cannot be guaranteed.


The product is extremely flammable. Repeated contact can result in dry or cracked skin. Fumes can make you drowsy and dazed. Hazardous to marine organisms, can have long-term impact on marine environments. Pressurised container. Do not exert to direct sunlight or temperatures above + 50 °C. Do not puncture or incinerate. Applies also to empty container. Do not spray towards naked flames or red-hot materials. Store away from sources of ignition - No smoking. Avoid inhaling spray. Provide adequate ventilation. Do not empty in drains. Avoid contact with skin and eyes.