A/T - Identification/TCM Reprogramming Requirements
File in Section: 07 - Transmission/TransaxleBulletin No.: 03-07-30-055
Issue Date: November, 2003
Service Information Regarding 2002 and 2003 Model Year VT25E Transaxle
Replacement with 2004 Model Year VT25E Transaxle
Models Affected:
2002-2003 VUE Vehicles
2003 ION Vehicles
with VT25E (Vti) Transaxle (RPOs M75, M16)
Attention: Technician
The purpose of this bulletin is to authorize the use of a 2004 model year VT25E transaxle assembly to replace a 2002 and 2003 model year V125E transaxle assembly in a 2002-2003 model year Saturn VUE and a 2003 model year Saturn ION. This authorization is only valid when 2002 and 2003 model year VT25E replacement transaxles are no longer available from Saturn Service Pants. The information contained in this bulletin explains how to properly identity the transaxle model year and also provides the necessary reprogramming requirements that must be performed when installing a 2004 model year transaxle assembly into a 2002-2003 model year Saturn VUE and 2003 model year Saturn ION.
Transaxle Model Year Identification:
There are two identification points on the VT25E transaxle assembly. The metal identification plate (1) is located on the transaxle case assembly. The transaxle identification label (2) is located on the control valve body cover. Refer to the illustration and accompanying legend.
If the control valve body cover has previously been replaced, there will not be a transaxle identification label (2) located on it. In this case, use the metal identification plate (1) as an accurate means of identification.
To properly identify the transaxle assembly model year, locate the model year number placement on the metal identification plate (1) and on the identification label (2). The transaxle model year is identified as callout number 6 on the illustration and legend. A number "2" in this position indicates model year 2002. A number "3" indicates model year 2003. A number "4" indicates model year 2004.
TCM Reprogramming Information:
When replacing a 2002 or 2003 model year VT25E transaxle assembly with a 2004 model year VT25E transaxle assembly, it is necessary to reprogram the TCM using 2004 model year software and calibrations. The software between the model years is neither compatible nor interchangeable. Use the Reprogramming Guide below to determine the correct transaxle control module (TCM) software for a particular VUE or ION application. The guide also lists the applicable 2004 model year VT25E transaxle assemblies.
Ensure the proper TCM reprogramming is performed after replacing a 2002 or 2003 model year VT25E transaxle assembly with a 2004 model year VT25E. Failure to reprogram the TCM will cause transaxle damage.
Parts Requirements:
Parts and TCM Reprogramming Guide when replacing a 2002 or 2003 model year VT25E Transaxle with a 2004 model year VT25E Transaxle