Brake Warranty
^ Brake rotor warranty is covered under the terms of the New Vehicle Bumper-to-Bumper warranty. Reference the vehicle's warranty guide for verification.
^ Rotors should not be refinished or replaced during normal/routine pad replacement.
^ Rotors should not be refinished or replaced and is ineffective in correcting brake squeal type noises and/or premature lining wear out.
^ Rotors should not be refinished or replaced for cosmetic corrosion. Clean up of braking surfaces can be accomplished by 10-15 moderate stops from 56-64 km/h (35-40 mph) with cooling time between stops.
^ Rotors should not be refinished or replaced for rotor discoloration/hard spots.
^ Rotors should be refinished NOT replaced for customer pulsation complaints. This condition is a result of rotor thickness variation, usually caused by LRO (wear-induced over time and miles) or corrosion (Lot Rot).
^ When rotor refinishing, only remove the necessary amount of material from each side of the rotor and note that equal amounts of material do not have to be removed from both sides on any brake system using a floating caliper.
^ Rotors should be refinished for severe scoring - depth in excess of 1.5 mm (0.060 in).
If the scoring depth is more than 1.5 mm (0.060 in) after the rotor is refinished, it should be replaced.
^ It is not necessary to replace rotors in pairs. Rotors may be replaced individually. However, caution should be exercised, as a variance in surface finish may cause a brake pull condition.
^ New rotors should not be refinished before installation. Original equipment rotor surfaces are ground to ensure smooth finish and parallelism between mounting and friction surfaces. If a new rotor has more than 0.050 mm (0.002 in) Lateral Run Out (LRO) when properly mounted on the hub, correct it using one of the following methods:
^ For hubless rotor designs, use the correction plate procedure found in the "GM Brake Service Procedure for Hubless Rotors" outlined in this bulletin.
^ For hubbed/trapped/captured rotor designs, refinish the rotor using an On-Car lathe and the procedure outlined in this bulletin.
^ Never reuse rotors that measure under the Minimum Thickness specification. In this instance, the rotor should be replaced.
If the Minimum Thickness specification is not visible on the rotor, reference Service Information (SI) for the specific vehicle application. DO NOT use any other manufacturers rotor specifications.
Brake Pads:
When determining the warranty coverage (as an example) - if all four front or four rear brake pads are excessively worn evenly, that would NOT be covered under warranty since this type of wear is most likely due to driving habits or trailering. However, if the brake pads are excessively worn un-evenly, side-to-side or same side/inner-to-outer pads, then consideration should be given to cover this under warranty since this type of wear is most likely due to poor operation of other braking components.
^ Consideration should be given for covering brake pads up to 39,000 km (24,000 mi) (excluding owner abuse, excessive trailering, or the situations that would not be considered normal use).
^ Installation of new rotors does not require pad replacement. Do not replace pads unless their condition requires it excessively worn, damage or contaminated.
Brake Wear:
Several factors impact brake lining wear and should be taken into account when reviewing related issues:
- heavy loads/high temperatures/towing/mountainous driving/city driving/aggressive driving/driver braking characteristics (left foot or two feet)
The following are conditions that may extend brake lining wear:
- light loads/highway driving/conservative driving/level terrain