Disc Brake System - Warranty Service and Procedures: Overview
Bulletin No.: 05-05-22-002CDate: May 23, 2007
Disc Brake Warranty Service and Procedures - LRO, Lateral Runout, Rotor, Corrosion, Pulsation, Pads, Wear, Noise, Refinish, Clean-up, Squeak, Grind, Groan
1999-2008 Saturn Vehicles (U.S. Only)
This bulletin is being revised to include the 2008 model year and revise the requirements for submitting claims using H9709 - Brake Burnish.
Please discard Corporate Bulletin Number 05-05-22-002B (Section 05 - Brakes). Saturn retailers in Canada should refer to Corporate Bulletin Number 00-05-22-002*.
For all warranty brake service, the procedures in this bulletin must be followed.
For your convenience, this bulletin updates and centralizes all GM's Standard Brake Service Procedures and Policy Guidelines for brake rotor and brake pad service and wear. For additional information, the Service Technical College lists a complete index of available Brake courses. This information can be accessed at www.gmtraining.com> resources> training materials> brake courseware index.
There are five (5) key steps that must be performed to complete a successful brake service:
Measure and Document Rotor Thickness* - determine rotor refinish/replace
Clean Mating Surfaces - hub, rotor and wheel
Proper Rotor Refinish and Documentation
Measure, Document and Correct Lateral Run Out (LRO)** - Maximum 0.050 mm (0.002 in)
Reassemble with Proper Torque and Sequence - wheel lug nuts
* The bulletin refers to Minimum Thickness specification as the minimum allowable thickness after refinish. Always refer to SI to verify the spec stamped on the rotor is the minimum thickness spec after refinish and not the discard spec.
**The bulletin will refer to LRO maximum specification as 0.050 mm (0.002 in). However, some trucks may slightly differ.
Refer to SI to verify specifications.
Bulletin Format
When using any one of the brake labor operations listed in this bulletin (except for H9709 - Brake Burnish) the following three rotor measurements (1. Original Rotor Thickness, 2. Refinished Rotor Thickness and 3. Lateral Run Out) are required and MUST be written/documented on the customer service order, or for your convenience, complete the form (GM Brake Service customer service order Documentation for Required Measurements) shown and attach it to the customer service order. If the Warranty Parts Center generates a request, this Documentation/Form must be attached to the customer service order that is sent back.
Documentation of brake lathe maintenance and calibration as recommended by the lathe manufacturer must be available for review upon request.
Customer Service Order Documentation Rotor Original And Refinished Thickness REQUIRED
When resurfacing a brake rotor or drum, the ORIGINAL thickness (measured thickness before refinish) and REFINISHED thickness (measured thickness after refinish) MUST be written/documented on the customer service order hard copy for each rotor serviced. If a rotor replacement is necessary, only the Original thickness measurement needs to be recorded.
Customer Service Order Documentation Lateral Run Out (LRO) and Correctional Plate Part Number REQUIRED
When using any one of the brake labor operations listed in this bulletin (except for H9709 - Brake Burnish), the rotor assembly MUST be measured for Lateral Run Out (LRO) (follow brake procedure steps 9-11). If the LRO measurement is greater than 0.050 mm (0.002 in), correct it by using the proper Brake Align(R) Correctional Plate (DO NOT refinish new rotors or newly refinished rotors to correct LRO). This LRO measurement, and the Correctional Plate part number used to correct the LRO, MUST be written/documented on the customer service order hard copy. If no correction is necessary, only the LRO measurement for each rotor serviced needs to be recorded.
Correction plates can only be used on Hubless rotor design. A correction plate part number can not be used with Hubbed, Trapped or Captured type designed rotors.
Warranty System Documentation - Lateral Run Out (LRO) - REQUIRED
When using any one of the brake labor operations listed in this bulletin (except for H9709 - Brake Burnish), the Lateral Run Out (LRO) measurement (as measured in the "customer service order Documentation - Lateral Run Out" section above) MUST be documented in the technician comments section of the warranty claim.
Customer Service Order Documentation - Explanation of Part Replacement - REQUIRED
If replacement of a brake component is necessary, proper documentation on the customer service order is required. See the following examples:
Brake rotor replacement - Customer comment was brake pulsation. Rotor was refinished on a prior brake service. After rotor measurement, it was determined that refinishing the rotor again would take it under the Minimum Thickness specification.
Brake pad replacement - Customer comment was brake squeak noise. On inspection, found pads contaminated by fluid leak at caliper.
Application charts can be viewed on-line at www.brakealign.com.
For vehicles repaired under warranty, Brake Align(R) Run-Out Correction Plates should be documented in technician comments of the warranty claim and the cost of the plates submitted as a Net Amount (net item code "M") at cost plus 40%.
Brake Align(R) Run-Out correction Plates are available through the following suppliers:
Dealer Equipment and Services at 1-800-GMTOOLS
Brake Align(R) LLC at 1-888-447-1872 (U.S. Dealers Only)
* We believe this source and their products to be reliable. There may be additional manufacturers of such products.
General Motors does not endorse, indicate any preference for or assume any responsibility for the products from this firm or for any such items, which may be available from other sources.
Published labor operations include time to check run-out and road test vehicle after repair.
Labor operation H9709 - Brake Burnish is not a published labor operation and will not be found in the Labor Time Guide. This labor operation should be used to claim the necessary time for cleaning up the braking surfaces for thickness variation pulsation due to lot rot corrosion (refer to Brake Pulsation section of this bulletin for procedure). Thickness Variation Pulsation due to lot rot corrosion occurs when vehicles are not driven for an extended period of time. This type of corrosion clean-up is covered under the terms of the new vehicle warranty coverage. Claims submitted using H9709 do not require LRO measurements.
If correcting for LRO, the times for using correction plates are not to exceed 0.2 hr for one side and 0.4 hr for both sides (published as an add condition with the above labor operations as necessary).
Model Years 2005 to current - Labor operations H0120/1/7 and H0130/1/7, are to be used only when replacing rotors.
Model Years 2005 to current - Labor operations H0122, H0132, H0192 and H0202 have been established for Brake Rotor/Drum Refinishing.
For model years in which the new labor operations do not apply, the time for refinishing the rotor is in labor operations H0120/1/7 and H0130/1/7.
For vehicles repaired under warranty, use the table.