Ball Joint Inspection (Front Suspension)
Ball Joint Inspection (Front Suspension)
1. Raise and suitably support the vehicle. Refer to Vehicle Lifting.
2. Remove the front tire and wheel assemblies.
3. Perform a visual inspection of the ball joint seals for cuts or tears. If damage exists, replace the ball joint. Refer to Lower Ball Joint Replacement.
4. Support the lower control arm with a floor stand, positioned as far outboard as possible.
5. Position J 8001 Dial Indicator onto the lower control arm with the needle on the steering knuckle as shown. Set the dial indicator to 0.
Important: Do not pry between the lower control arm and the wheel drive shaft boot or damage may result.
6. Position a pry bar, lift the steering knuckle upward, then let it settle while observing the dial indicator. The reading should be within 0.7 mm (.028 in) specification. If the ball joint is out of specification, replace the ball joint. Refer to Lower Ball Joint Replacement.