Suspension - Front Suspension or Front Strut Noise
TECHNICALBulletin No.: 10-03-08-003A
Date: December 20, 2010
Subject: Front Suspension or Front Strut Noise (Apply Grease on Strut Shaft)
2008-2011 Chevrolet Captiva Sport
2010-2011 Chevrolet Equinox
2010-2011 GMC Terrain
2008-2010 Saturn VUE
This bulletin is being revised to update the models to include Captiva and VUE. Please discard Corporate Bulletin Number 10-03-08-003 (Section 03 - Suspension).
Some customers may comment on a popping, creak, rattle, squawk, itch or clunk type noise coming from the front of the vehicle. This noise will most likely be heard during small to medium suspension travel. The noise may occur with the vehicle traveling straight and/or during turns.
The cause of this condition may be due to the inside diameter of the front strut jounce bumper rubbing against the piston rod of the strut, creating a slip-stick condition.
DO NOT replace any front suspension components (strut, strut top mount bearing, etc) without first performing this bulletin.
1. Verify that the noise is from the upper strut mount area. The concern may be on both sides of the vehicle.
2. Raise and support the vehicle on a frame lift-type hoist.
3. Pull the dust shield/jounce bumper assembly out of the strut top mount cup.
4. Slide the dust shield/jounce bumper assembly down to expose the top portion of the strut shaft.
5. Apply grease, GM P/N 12345579 (in Canada, 10953481), around the circumference of the strut shaft that is exposed.
6. Unseat the bottom of the dust shield from the strut.
7. Slide the dust shield/jounce bumper assembly up to expose the bottom portion of the strut shaft.
8. Apply the grease around the circumference of the strut shaft that is exposed.
9. Slide the dust shield/jounce bumper assembly down and reattach the bottom to the strut.
10. Push the top of the dust shield/jounce bumper assembly up into the top mount cup as far as possible by hand. The assembly will fully seat once the vehicle is on the ground and the suspension is allowed to compress.
Parts Information
Warranty Information
For vehicles repaired under warranty, use the table.