Engine: Service and Repair
Fig. 3 Fuel Line Removal:
1. Disconnect battery ground cable, remove coolant bottle cap, then drain coolant.
2. On DOHC models, lift resonator upward to disengage from engine service support bracket.
3. On all models, remove air cleaner assembly.
4. Disconnect the following electrical connectors:
a. Two coolant temperature sensors.
b. Oxygen sensor and clip, at front transaxle mount bracket.
c. Idles air control valve.
d. Two ignition coil connectors.
e. Manifold absolute pressure sensor.
f. EGR solenoid.
g. Brake booster hose at booster or intake manifold.
h. Two grounds located rear of cylinder head at transaxle.
i. Injector connectors.
5. Disconnect transaxle connectors as follows:
a. Three neutral safety/selector switch.
b. Valve body actuator.
c. Turbine speed sensor.
d. Temperature sensor.
e. Back-up light switch.
6. Disconnect accelerator cables.
7. Bleed fuel pressure using tool No. SST 9127E or equivalent into suitable container, then disconnect fuel lines using tool No. SA9157E, Fig. 3. Place suitable cloth around fitting before disconnecting.
8. Using suitable wire, tie fuel lines to brake master cylinder, to prevent fuel pillage.
9. Disconnect upper radiator hose and de-aeration hose at engine.
10. Disconnect A/C compressor and position aside.
11. Wrap trans cooler line fittings with suitable cloth, then pinch tabs to disconnect and plug cooler lines at transaxle.
Fig. 4 Transaxle Shifter Cable Removal:
12. On models equipped with automatic transaxle, disconnect shifter cable, Fig. 4.
13. On models equipped with manual transaxle, proceed as follows:
a. Remove hydraulic damper to clutch housing stud nuts, then slide damper and bracket from studs.
b. Rotate clutch actuator 1/4 turn counterclockwise while pushing toward housing to disengage connector and remove.
c. Position clutch hydraulic system aside.
14. Using suitable wire, tie radiator, condenser and fan module to vehicle front crossbar.
15. Raise and support vehicle.
16. Remove front wheel assemblies, then front and side shields from cradle.
17. Remove brake caliper bracket attaching bolts, then position caliper aside.
18. Disconnect lower radiator and heater inlet and return hoses at engine.
19. Disconnect steering shaft and power steering pressure switch electrical connector, if equipped.
20. Remove front exhaust pipe, then powertrain stiffener bracket. Do not remove torque restrictor bracket to transaxle.
21. Remove alternator and starter shields.
22. Disconnect the following electrical connectors:
a. Starter feed and electrical connector.
b. Alternator feed and connectors.
c. Oil pressure sensor.
d. Knock sensor.
e. Crankshaft position sensor.
f. EVO solenoid, if equipped.
g. Vehicle speed sensor.
h. Canister purge solenoid.
i. PCM/EC and oxygen sensor.
j. ABS wheel sensor ground connectors, if equipped.
23. Unclip brake lines from rear of cradle, then remove electrical harness from engine, then low vehicle, to lay electrical harness on underhood junction block and battery cover
24. Position suitable powertrain support dolly and two four inch by four inch by 36 inch wood pieces to support cradle.
25. Remove cradle to body attaching bolts, then lower cradle, ensuring two large rear cradle spacers are attached.
26. Install suitable engine lifting equipment.
27. Remove spark plug wire ends at ignition module.
28. Remove power steering pump with bracket, then using suitable wire, attach in upright position to steering gear or cradle.
29. Remove four transaxle housing attaching bolts.
30. Remove front engine mount, then disconnect motion restrictor, if required.
31. Place 1/2 inch by one inch by three inch block of wood below axle shaft.
32. Remove starter bracket.
33. On DOHC models, remove intake manifold bracket.
34. On all models, remove three axle shaft bracket bolts, then allow bracket to rotate rearward. It may be necessary to lift engine slightly to allow clearance between starter bracket and drive shaft bracket.
35. Carefully lift engine, then install to suitable engine stand.
36. Remove the following:
a. Starter and alternator.
b. Water pump.
c. Oil Pressure sending unit.
d. Knock sensor.
e. Crankshaft position sensor.
f. Clutch assembly (flexplate) and flywheel.
g. Using tool No. SST SA9123 E or equivalent, cut oil pan seal from front cover oil seal rear seal carrier, then remove oil pan and filter.
h. Oil pick up tube.
i. On DOHC models, remove baffle plate.
37. Reverse procedure to install.