Windnoise at Upper Rear Corners of Front Door1. Lower door glass to the full-down position.
2. Remove door window weatherstrip by carefully pulling it out of the upper door frame.
3. Cut two pieces of 1/4 inch foam tape such as Kent Industries # 40105 (or equivalent). One piece should be 15 mm (0.60 inch) long and the other piece should be 10 mm (0.40 inch).
4. Install the 15 mm (0.60 inch) piece of tape horizontally at the top inside corner of the weatherstrip.
5. Install the 10 mm (0.40 inch) piece of tape vertically at the top inside corner of the weatherstrip.
6. Before inserting the seal back into the door frame, check to make sure that the gray tape, applied to the outside corner of the seal, is still attached. If the tape has pulled off the corner, attach the tape back onto the seal with a small amount of fast-drying adhesive. Install the corner into the door frame, making sure that the corner is fully seated.
7. Cycle window several times to check for proper operation.
Windnoise from Door Upper Frame Area Front and Rear Doors
1. Inspect for gaps between door secondary seals on door frame and door opening. Positive contact of all seals is required. The most critical areas would be at the windshield encapsulation molding, at the leading edge of the front upper door frame secondary seal.
2. Minor adjustment to remove gaps can be achieved by lowering the door glass to the full-down position and adjusting upper door frame to close out the gaps.
3. Additional adjustments can be made at the door hinges. Refer to the "Door Adjustment" procedures in the "Doors" section of the "Body Service Manual."
Windnoise from the Front Door Mirror Patch Area
1. Remove outside rearview mirror. Refer to "Outside Mirror" removal procedures in the "Doors" section of the "Body Service Manual."
2. Fill void between upper door frame and door assembly at front beltline using strip caulk such as 3M Strip Caulk # 08578 (or equivalent).
3. Fill gaps at base of mirror patch area with strip caulk.
4. Seal mirror patch to door by applying strips of strip caulk such as 3M Strip Caulk # 08578 (or equivalent) to the mirror patch gasket. Apply one strip to the rear of the gasket and two strips to the bottom of the gasket, as shown in the Figure.
Thickness of strip caulk should not be greater than 2 mm (0.080 inch).
5. Install a piece of 1/4 x 5/32 inch foam tape such as Kent Industries # 40105 (or equivalent) to rear edge of mirror.
6. Install outside rearview mirror. Refer to "Outside Mirror" installation procedures in the "Doors" section of the "Body Service Manual."
Torque attaching nuts to 6 N-m (53
Windnoise at Front Beltline of Rear Door
1. Fill void between rear door upper frame and door assembly at front beltline of the rear door using a strip caulk sealer such as 3M Strip Caulk # 08578 (or equivalent).
Windnoise at Upper Corners of Rear Door Glass
1. Lower the rear door glass to the full-down position.
2. Remove door window weatherstrip by carefully pulling out of upper door frame.
3. Cut four pieces of 1/4 inch foam tape such as Kent Industries # 40105 (or equivalent). Two pieces should be 15 mm (0.60 inch) long and the other two pieces should be 10 mm (0.40 inch).
4. Install the two 15 mm (0.60 inch) pieces of tape horizontally at the top, front and rear inside corners of the weatherstrip.
5. Install the two 10 mm (0.40 inch) pieces of tape vertically at the top, front and rear inside corners of the weatherstrip.
6. Before inserting the seal back into the door frame, check to make sure that the gray tape, applied to the outside, two corners of the seal, are still attached. If the tape has pulled off either of the corners, attach the tape back onto the seal with a small amount of fast-drying adhesive. Install the corners into the door frame, making sure that the corners are fully seated.
7. Before installing the weatherstrip back into the door frame, seal the area at upper rear corner of glass run channel to stationary vent window with strip caulk.
8. Cycle window several times to check for proper operation.