Without ABS System
Use only DOT 3 brake fluid from a clean sealed container. Do not use DOT 5 silicone fluid. Don not allow fluid to come in contact with painted surfaces.
1. Fill master cylinder reservoir, ensure reservoir is at least half full during bleed procedure.
2. If master cylinder is suspected to have air in its bore, proceed as follows:
a. Loosen front master cylinder brake line.
b. Using suitable container, allow brake fluid to flow from front master cylinder port.
c. Install and tighten brake line to master cylinder.
d. Slowly depress brake pedal one time and hold.
e. Loosen front master cylinder brake line to purge air, then tighten brake line, then release pedal.
f. Repeat until all air is bleed from cylinder.
3. If caliper or wheel cylinder is suspected, proceed as follows:
a. Install suitable wrench over bleeder valve, then install suitable transparent hose over bleeder nipple, submerge other end in suitable transparent container of brake fluid.
b. Loosen bleeder screw.
c. Apply brake pedal slowly and hold.
d. Tighten bleeder screw.
e. Release brake pedal.
f. Repeat procedure until all air is removed from brake lines.
4. If more than one brake line is to be bled, bleed in sequence:
a. Right rear.
b. Left front.
c. Left rear.
d. Right front.
5. Check brake pedal for sponginess, if indicated, repeat procedure.
6. When bleeding is complete, check and fill reservoir.
1. Clean brake fluid reservoir cap, then remove cap.
2. Fill master cylinder.
Fig. 4 Brake Pressure Bleeder Adapter Installation:
3. Install bleeder adapter tool No. SA9150BR or equivalent, to brake fluid reservoir, Fig. 4.
4. Connect suitable pressure bleeder to adapter.
5. Charge pressure bleeder to 20-25 psi.
6. Perform steps 2 through 6 under MANUAL PROCEDURE for bleed procedure.