Actuators/TCC Quick Check
Valve Body Actuator Cover:
Actuator Locations - Valve Body
Actuator Color Code Chart:
Actuator Color Code Chart
Transaxle/Actuator Connector:
Transaxle/Actuator Electrical Connector
- Using a Scan tool, verify all selector switch (P, R, N, D, 3 and 2) readings are correct.
- Ground diagnostic enable. Jumper DLC terminal A to B.
- Key On, engine Off, move gear selector to position to check desired actuator.
Actuator Select
2nd Actuator 2
3rd Actuator 3
4th Actuator 4
TCC Actuator R
Line Actuator N
When the gear selector is moved to the corresponding position the PCM will pulse width modulate (PWM) the actuator at a set duty cycle for about six seconds. Listen and compare the noise of the suspected bad actuator to that of the other actuators. They should all be similar. If the noise coming from the suspected bad actuator is faint or not present, replace that actuator.
IMPORTANT: Prior to replacing any actuator check all connections at the actuator and connector plate.
The actuators can also be commanded On and Off using the Saturn PDT. The actuator test is located in the special test menu.
Actuator Resistance Chart:
Actuators Resistance Chart *
*These values may vary slightly. When an actuator is suspected to be causing a problem, an accurate way of checking resistance is to compare the suspect actuator value to the resistance value of the other actuators. Valves should be within one ohm of each other.