1. Record the PCM/TC diagnostic trouble codes and "Slip Monitor" values.IMPORTANT:
Prior to disconnecting the battery, the "Slip Monitor" values must be recorded.
2. Verify if the transaxle is stuck in a forward gear. Connect the Scan tool and observe the automatic transaxle turbine speed while performing the following:
When verifying if the transaxle is stuck in a forward gear, move the vehicle to an unrestricted area where vehicle maneuvers can be made without interruption. During this evaluation, as always, apply the brakes before shifting between gears.
^ Shift the transaxle into Reverse. If the vehicle will not move and the automatic transaxle turbine speed reads 0 rpm, the transaxle is stuck in a forward gear. Internal damage to the transaxle has occurred and a complete transaxle overhaul must be performed. Refer to the "Internal Inspection Procedure" in this bulletin.
^ While applying the brakes, shift the transaxle into Neutral. If the automatic transaxle turbine speed reads 0 rpm, the transaxle is stuck in a forward gear. Internal damage to the transaxle has occurred and a complete transaxle overhaul must be performed. Refer to the "Internal Inspection Procedure" in this bulletin.
3. Test drive the vehicle to verify the complaint.
4. Follow the appropriate diagnosis procedures in the "Automatic Transaxle Service Manual" for any diagnostic trouble codes that are set. If the repair requires transaxle control actuator valve or control valve body assembly removal, inspect the transaxle control actuator valves for a ring of very fine iron sediment (silver to dark gray in color) that may be surrounding the transaxle control actuator valves.
On vehicles with mileage greater than 48,270 km (30,000 miles), a ring of very fine iron sediment (silver to dark gray in color) is common and should be considered normal.
5. If no ring of iron sediment exists, replace the stuck transaxle valve only. For proper replacement, follow procedures in the "Automatic Transaxle Service Manual."
6. If a ring of iron sediment is present, perform the following inspections to determine if internal damage to the transaxle may have occurred. If any of the following conditions exist, refer to "Internal Inspection Procedure" in this bulletin.
^ Previously recorded slip monitor values are at 600 kPa.
^ Transaxle fluid smells burnt.
Inspect the control valve body assembly and transaxle control actuators.
^ Control valve body assembly shows heavy build-up of fine black material in the recesses of the upper control body, under the actuator retainer (cover).
^ Strings of fine black material can be seen on the transaxle control actuator valve armature stop.
Inspect the clutch housings through the top of the transaxle case.
^ Clutch housing lube holes have a shadow around them which is darker than the surrounding material.
^ Clutch housing shows discoloration due to excessive heat.
The 4th clutch housing normally shows heat treat discoloration at the park gear.
If none of the conditions in step 6 exist, repair the transaxle according to "Flushing Procedure" in this bulletin.