Carbon Pile Load Generator Test
Carbon Pile Load Generator Test:
1. Verify the fusible link between the starter and generator is good. Also verify connections are tightened to specification and clean.
IMPORTANT: If a fusible link is blown, don't just replace it. The most probable cause of a blown link is an internal generator failure. Verify that there is no external arcing or shorting of fusible link with other wires and/or components. If no problems are found, replace generator.
2. Install the carbon pile load tester and voltmeter across the battery terminals and the clamp-on ammeter to one of the battery cables.
3. Start the engine and raise the engine speed to 2000 rpm.
4. With the engine at 2000 rpm, observe the voltmeter.
5. If the voltage is uncontrolled or exceeds 16 volts, the generator is bad.
6. If the voltage is below 16 volts, turn on the carbon pile load tester.
7. While maintaining 2000 rpm, adjust the tester to obtain a maximum current reading on the ammeter; do not allow the voltage to fall below 13 volts.
8. If the output current is within 15 amps of the rated output, the generator is good. (Refer to previous page for temperature - output information.)
IMPORTANT: The battery must be fully charged and show a green indicator when performing this test