LIFTGATE RELEASE SWITCHCheck switch resistance:
Switch resistance: Open when switch is open. Less than one ohm when switch is closed.
Repair/replace as needed.
If this component is good, go to the next item indicated on the chart.
Check connections and terminals for damage or corrosion.
Disconnect liftgate release motor and connect a DVOM between the two terminals (A and B) of the harness connector. Activate the liftgate release switch.
If battery voltage is measured, all of the circuits and the switch are OK. Replace the liftgate release motor.
If battery voltage is not measured, check the circuits and switch for OPENS/SHORTS.
Operate motor by hand. If output shaft does not turn, replace motor. If output shaft does turn, inspect linkage for damage or other foreign objects.
Check for continuity through the motor. Repair/replace as needed.
If this component is good, go to the next item indicated on the chart.
Inspect the liftgate latch striker for jamming and interference.
Check the spring force manually for retention response.
Repair/replace as needed.