Retailer/Transfer of Campaign Responsibility
All unsold new vehicles in Retailers' possession and subject to this campaign must be held at the retail facility and repaired per the service procedure of this campaign bulletin before owners take possession of these vehicles.Retailers are to service all vehicles subject to this campaign at no charge to owners, regardless of mileage, age of vehicle, or ownership, from this time forward.
Owners of involved vehicles recently sold from your new vehicle inventory are to be contacted by the Retailer and arrangements made to make the required correction according to procedure contained in this bulletin.
In summary, whenever a vehicle subject to this campaign enters your vehicle inventory, or is in your retail facility for service in the future, please take the steps necessary to be sure the campaign correction has been made before selling or releasing the vehicle.
This bulletin is notice to you that the new motor vehicles included in this campaign may not comply with the standard previously identified. Under 49 U.S.C. section 30112 of the Highway Safety Act as amended, it is illegal for a retailer to sell a new motor vehicle which the retailer knows does not comply with an applicable Federal Motor Vehicle Safety Standard. As a consequence, if you sell any of these motor vehicles without first performing the campaign correction, your retail facility may be subject to a civil penalty up to $1,100 for each such sale.
Saturn vehicles that have been sold by you, which may be closer in proximity to another Saturn Retailer, may still appear on your Facility VIN Listing. If either you or the vehicle owner determines that it is more desirable for a vehicle on your Facility VIN Listing to be serviced by another Saturn Retailer, campaign responsibility may be transferred by 1) submitting a Campaign Vehicle Action Report to your Customer Assistance Manager (CAM) at the Saturn Customer Assistance Center, 2) submitting an update in owner information to the Saturn Owner of Record system, via SERVICELINE XL, for Saturn Customer Assistance Center review and approval. A copy of the Campaign Vehicle Action Report can be found in Service Information Bulletin 96-I-15, or additional copies can be ordered from Saturn Publications (1-800-828-2112, prompt 3, Item # S03 97050). All changes to campaign responsibility will be reflected in your next Unfixed VIN Report.
All other changes in vehicle status (e.g., scrapped, stolen, etc.) are to be made in accordance with section 4.4.3 of the Retailer Service Reference Guide (Notifying Saturn of Vehicle Status Change).