Gear Synchronizer Blocker Ring Inspection
1. Inspect synchronizer blocker ring fiber liner (a) for wear or damage (glazed, burned or missing).
2. Inspect synchronizer blocker ring teeth (b) for excessive wear.
3. Inspect the synchronizer blocker ring lugs (c) for excessive wear.
4. Inspect the synchronizer spring (d) for wear.
5. Inspect gear thrust surface (e) for wear or scoring.
6. Inspect gear cone surface (f) for wear.
7. Inspect the clutching teeth (g) for excessive wear, chipping, or cracks.
8. Inspect gear teeth (h) for uneven wear scoring, galling or cracks.
9. Install synchronizer blocker ring to matching gear and rotate until it stops.
IMPORTANT: When installing new blocker rings, soak in Saturn Transaxle Fluid 15 minutes prior to installing/measuring.
10. Measure clearance between blocker ring and gear in four places. The minimum blocker ring to gear clearance for all synchronizers: 0.4 mm (0.020 inch).