1. Remove valve body. (Refer to "Valve Body Removal".)
2. Remove solenoid cover-to-valve body bolts (identified by heavy circles) and remove solenoid cover. For reference, the solenoid locations are identified as follows:
1) Pressure control
2) 2nd
3) Torque Converter Clutch (TCC)
4) 4th
5) 3rd
3. Lift solenoid connector plate off solenoid valve pins using care not to damage connector plate.
IMPORTANT: Note locations of solenoids before removal.
4. Remove solenoid valves by using a twisting motion.
5. Remove bolt retaining two halves of valve body. For reference, the bolts are identified as follows:
1) Valve Body-to-case dowel bolts
2) Upper-to-lower valve body dowel bolts
3) Bolt holding upper and lower valve body
IMPORTANT: Note ball check valve positions when taking two halves apart.
6. Separate upper valve body from lower valve body.
7. Remove spacer plate and ball check valves.