Powertrain Assembly Installation
1. Install clutch disc and pressure plate, if applicable. The yellow dot on the pressure plate should be aligned near the mark on the flywheel. Use service tool SA9145T to align the clutch disk for the manual transaxle input shaft alignment. When installing an automatic transaxle, the yellow dot on the torque converter must be at the 6 o'clock position when the first flexplate to torque converter bolt is tightened.
Flexplate to converter:
Torque: 70 Nm (52 ft. lbs.)
Clutch pressure plate to flywheel:
Torque: 25 Nm (19 ft. lbs.)
2. Carefully lift the engine using service tool SA910SE and install it in the cradle aligning the transaxle with the engine using two threaded 10 mm x 6 in. long guide pins in the lower attachment holes. Remove the 4 in. x 4 in. x 6 in. wood block if used, from under transaxle.
Lower Transaxle bolts:
Torque: 130 Nm (96 ft. lbs.)
Upper Transaxle bolts:
Torque: 90 Nm (66 ft. lbs.)
Stiffening Bracket-to-Engine/transaxle:
Torque: 54 Nm (40 ft. lbs.)
3. Install the front engine mount assembly.
Front Mount-to-Engine Block:
Torque: 55 Nm (41 ft. lbs.)
4. Install the engine mount torque strut-to-cradle bracket, if removed.
IMPORTANT: Install the torque strut bracket-to- cradle nuts, but do not tighten until the upper midrail mount is installed.
Engine Strut to Cradle Bracket and Engine Strut-to-Engine Bracket:
Torque: 70 Nm (52 ft. lbs.)
5. Place a 1 in. x 1 in. x 2 in. long block of wood between the torque strut and cradle.
IMPORTANT: Installation of the wood block prior to the upper engine torque axis mount installation allows the mount to be easily installed without lifting or jacking the powertrain.
6. Attach the axle shaft and starter bracket.
Axle Shaft Bracket:
Torque: 55 Nm (41 ft. lbs.)
Starter Bracket:
Torque: 9 Nm (80 in. lbs.)
7. Position the powertrain and cradle on the support dolly. Use two 4 in. x 4 in. x 36 in. blocks of wood to support the cradle.
8. Carefully lift the powertrain into the chassis arid install the four cradle attachment bolts. Use two 9/16 in. x 18 in. long guide pins in forward cradle holes next to attachment bolts for aligning cradle with chassis.
Torque: 205 Nm (151 ft. lbs.)
9. Attach the brake lines to cradle and install steering shaft U-joint and bolt.
^ Torque: 47 Nm (35 ft. lbs.)
10. Install the following sensors, if applicable, and position the electrical harness around the engine and attach the following connectors from under the vehicle:
a. Starter solenoid
Torque: 5 Nm (44 in. lbs.)
b. Generator/starter battery post
Torque: 10 Nm (89 in. lbs.)
c. Oil pressure sensor
Torque: 35 Nm (26 ft. lbs.)
d. Knock sensor
Torque: 15 Nm (133 in. lbs.)
e. Crankshaft position sensor
Torque: 9 Nm (80 in. lbs.)
f. EVAP canister purge valve
Torque: 30 Nm (22 ft. lbs.)
g. Wiring Harness (PCM Ground)
Torque: 10 Nm (89 in. lbs.)
h. Wiring Harness to Transaxle Case/Engine Block
Torque: 25 Nm (18 ft. lbs.)
i. EVO solenoid (if equipped)
j. Vehicle speed sensor
k. Attach ABS wheel sensors, if equipped.
11. Install the engine stiffening bracket.
Torque: 47 Nm (35 ft. lbs.)
NOTICE: Do not bend the front exhaust pipe hanger attached to the engine stiffening bracket when servicing the front exhaust pipe and/or catalytic convertor. Bending the bracket may cause premature failure.
12. Install new exhaust front pipe/catalytic convertor gaskets and front pipe.
Exhaust Pipe to Manifold:
^ Torque: 31 Nm (23 ft. lbs.)
Exhaust Pipe Bracket to Stiffener Bracket:
^ Torque: 47 Nm (35 ft. lbs.)
Exhaust Pipe to Support Bracket:
^ Torque: 31 Nm (23 ft. lbs.)
Exhaust Pipe to Catalytic Converter:
^ Torque: 48 Nm (35 ft. lbs.)
13. Attach heater, lower radiator, and coolant fill hoses and remove radiator safety wire/tie straps.
14. Install cylinder block drain plug and close radiator dram.
Torque: 36 Nm (27 ft. lbs.)
15. Install knuckle attachment bolts to strut.
Torque: 200 Nm (148 ft. lbs.)
16. Install brake calipers.
Torque: 110 Nm (81 ft. lbs.)
17. Install shift cable(s).
18. Lower vehicle.
NOTICE: Use new shift cable retainers whenever removed.
19. Install clutch hydraulic slave cylinder, damper and shift cables.
Torque: 25 Nm (19 ft. lbs.)
20. Install automatic transaxle cooler lines.
A/C Compressor Bracket-to-Front/Rear Head and Block
Torque: 30 Nm (22 ft. lbs.)
21. Install A/C compressor assembly.
22. Install accessory drive belt. Make sure the belt is properly aligned in the pulley grooves.
Compressor-to-Front Bracket:
^ Torque: 54 Nm (40 ft. lbs.)
Compressor-to-Rear Bracket:
^ Torque: 30 Nm (22 ft. lbs.)
NOTICE: To prevent engine front cover and mount damage, the three front upper mount to engine front cover nuts must be tightened down uniformly.
23. Install the two engine mounts to midrail bracket nuts first. Next, install the three engine mount to front cover nuts. Remove the wood block from under the torque strut after the upper mount assembly is installed.
Engine Mount-to-Front Cover:
^ Torque: 50 Nm (37 ft. lbs.)
Engine Mount-to-Frame Midrail Bracket:
^ Torque: 50 Nm (37 ft. lbs.)
24. Torque the two torque strut bracket-to-cradle/nuts.
^ Torque: 50 Nm (37 ft. lbs.)
25. Install automatic transaxle torque convertor to flexplate bolts and dust cover.
Flexplate torque:
^ Torque: 70 Nm (52 ft. lbs.)
Dust Cover torque:
^ Torque: 10 Nm (89 in. lbs.)
26. Install the tires and splash shields.
^ Torque: 140 Nm (103 ft. lbs.)
27. Attach the following electrical and vacuum connectors where applicable:
a. Engine coolant temperature (ECT) sensor and coolant temperature sensor
b. Oxygen sensor
c. Idle air control valve (IAC)
d. Injector connectors
e. Ignition coil (two connectors)
f. Throttle position (TP) sensor
g. MAP sensor
h. EGR valve
i. A/C compressor, (if equipped)
j. Brake booster hose at intake manifold or booster
k. Ground connectors (located at transaxle attachment studs and rear side of block above starter).
1. Attach the automatic transaxle connectors:
^ Neutral safety/selector switch (three connectors)
^ PRNDL switch (two Connectors)
^ Valve body actuator connector
6 Transaxle turbine speed sensor
^ Back-up light switch (manual transaxle)
^ Temperature sensor
28. Install the accelerator cable and attach fuel supply and return line quick connectors.
29. Install the upper radiator and deaeration hoses.
IMPORTANT: Check the upper cooling module grommets for binding or misalignment. The cooling module retaining pins MUST BE centered in the grommets supported by the L bracket(s). If the grommets are pinched, loosen the L bracket(s) and reposition them.
Tighten the L bracket fasteners and check the cooling module for freedom of movement. IT IS EXTREMELY IMPORTANT THAT THE COOLING MODULE BE ABLE TO MOVE FREELY.
30. Install the air induction system, PCV valve and fresh air hoses.
31. Install the battery cables, positive cable first.
^ Torque: 17 Nm (151 in. lbs.)
32. Check oil pan drain plug and fill engine with new oil.
^ Torque: 37 Nm (27 ft. lbs.)
33. Fill with coolant. Use only DEX-COOL(tm) ethylene glycol-based antifreeze.
IMPORTANT: Vehicle must be level when filling with coolant.
34. Prime fuel system:
a. Cycle ignition on for five seconds and then off for 10 seconds.
b. Repeat step a twice.
c. Crank engine until it starts (maximum starter motor cranking time is 20 seconds).
d. If engine does not start, repeat steps a-c.
35. Start engine and check for leaks.
36. Perform a three mile road test.
37. Fill the cooling system surge bottle to the FULL COLD line and check for leaks after the engine has been tested.