Cruise Control Module: Service and Repair
REMOVAL1. Remove cruise control module to bracket bolts leaving bracket attached to frame rail.
2. Pull cruise control module up behind brake booster.
3. Disconnect cruise control module electrical connector.
4. Disconnect cruise control throttle cable tab from throttle body cam.
5. Release cruise control throttle cable adjuster.
6. Disconnect cruise throttle cable from module by rotating 1/4 turn counterclockwise.
7. Remove cable from connecting strap.
8. Remove cruise control module.
1. Connect cruise control throttle cable to cruise control module connecting strap.
IMPORTANT: Do not twist connecting strap during installation.
2. Install cruise control throttle cable to cruise control module by rotating 1/4 turn clockwise.
3. Install cruise control module to bracket bolts and tighten.
4. Install cruise control throttle cable tab to throttle body cam.
5. Adjust cruise control throttle cable and lock in adjuster.
6. Install electrical connector.