DEFINITION: Engine power variation under steady throttle or cruise. Feels like vehicle speeds up and slows down with no change in throttle position.^ Check misfire counts using Scan tool (if any exist).
^ Verify proper TCC operation and customer understanding of TCC.
^ Verify proper A/C clutch operation.
^ Monitor fuel trim values on Scan tool if system is running lean (long term fuel trim is significantly positive). (Refer to P0171.) P0171
^ Monitor fuel trim values on Scan tool if system is running rich (long term fuel trim is significantly negative). (Refer to P0172.) P0172
^ Generator output voltage
^ Vacuum lines for kinks or leaks
^ Fuel filter and fuel pressure
^ Spark plugs for cracks, wear, burned or heavy deposits on electrodes
^ Fuel quality. Refer to fuel system.
^ Restricted exhaust system. Refer to "Exhaust System".