Fuel Sender Assembly Replacement
TOOLS REQUIRED^ J-43827 Lock Ring Remover
^ J 44078 Fuel Clamp Pliers
1. Remove fuel tank.
CAUTION: Whenever fuel line fittings are loosened or removed, wrap a shop cloth around the fitting and have an approved container available to collect any fuel.
NOTE: Clean all fuel pipe and hose connections and surrounding areas before disassembling to avoid possible contamination of the fuel system. Spray the fuel pump module cam-lock ring tang with penetrating oil prior to attempting removal.
2. Disconnect fuel lines from fuel pump module cover.
NOTE: To prevent retainer damage, do not attempt to remove the retainer with a 12 in. or shorter ratchet/breaker bar.
3. Use the lock ring service tool J-43827 and remove the fuel pump module retaining ring. A 1/2 in. breaker bar (approximately 18 inches long) will easily loosen and remove the lock ring.
4. To prevent bending of sending unit float arm remove sending unit first by pulling retaining clip toward float arm and lift upward.
5. Carefully lift fuel pump straight up from fuel tank. To disengage fuel pump from fuel pump housing clips must be disengaged at same time.
IMPORTANT: Always replace fuel pump module to tank seal (O-ring) whenever assembly is removed.
6. Discard fuel pump module to tank seal.
7. Remove fuel feed line from bottom of fuel pump cover using special tool J-44078.
8. Disconnect fuel pump electrical connector from fuel pump cover.
9. Inspect fuel tank for metal chips/debris. Remove all contaminants and replace in-line fuel filter before installing a new fuel pump assembly when debris is present.
1. Connect new fuel pump feed line to fuel pump cover using special tool J-44078.
2. Connect fuel pump electrical connector to fuel pump connector.
3. Insert new fuel pump to fuel tank seal.
4. Use lock ring service tool J-43827 to install fuel pump cover lock ring. (The bumps on lock ring need to be facing away from tank.)
5. Connect fuel lines and wiring harness.
6. Install fuel tank.