Refrigerant Oil: Service and Repair
BALANCING COMPRESSOR OILNOTE: PAG oil charge can be identified by locating the label on the rear of A/C compressor. (220 cc oil charge in the total system for the model year serviced.) Improper quantity of oil charge in the system will degrade performance.
1. Remove the A/C compressor from the vehicle.
NOTE: During oil removal procedure condition of oil should be evaluated. Compressor oil never breaks down unless something is wrong with the compressor or A/C system. If one or more of the following conditions exist, replace compressor and receiver-dehydrator.
^ Color of oil is dark brown or black
^ There is a presence of foreign substances, metal fillings, etc. in oil
If receiver-dehydrator is not replaced damage to A/C compressor will occur.
2. Drain the oil into a clean container.
a. Position the A/C compressor to drain from the high side port first.
b. Move the A/C compressor to different positions to remove all the oil possible.
c. Turn the A/C compressor over to drain the oil from the low side port.
d. Rotate the A/C compressor drive plate in both directions to remove the oil from the A/C compressor chambers.
e. Stop oil draining when the oil coming from the low and high side ports becomes only drops.
f. Measure and record oil removed from A/C compressor.
g. Discard removed oil as all new replacement (service) A/C compressors come with 65 cc of Saturn PAG compressor oil installed.
3. Place new A/C compressor on a clean work bench with the high and low side ports in an upright position.
4. With A/C compressor high and low side ports in an upright position, slowly remove the high side cap retaining bolt to release the nitrogen (N2) charge.
5. Remove high and low side caps. (Install high and low side caps on A/C compressor removed from vehicle, to prevent any oil from leaking out when A/C compressor is being shipped.)
IMPORTANT: Oil drained from the new A/C compressor can be installed if drained into a clean, dry container.
6. Drain the oil from the new A/C compressor into a clean, dry container.
a. Position the A/C compressor to drain from the high side port first.
b. Move the A/C compressor to different positions to remove all the oil possible.
c. Turn the A/C compressor over to drain the oil from the low side port.
d. Rotate the A/C compressor drive plate in both directions to remove the oil from the A/C compressor chambers.
e. Stop oil draining when the oil coming from the low and high side ports becomes only drops.
f. Measure and record oil removed from A/C compressor.
IMPORTANT: Additional NEW Saturn PAG oil may be needed to obtain the amount of PAG oil required for the next step.
7. Add the recorded amount of oil drained from the removed A/C compressor (measurement amount was obtained in step 2f), and the amount of oil lost during the recovery process to the new A/C compressor.
8. Install A/C compressor into vehicle.