NOTE: When servicing the compressor; keep dirt and foreign material from getting on or into the compressor parts and system. Clean tools and clean work area are important for proper service. The compressor connections and the outside of the compressor should be cleaned before any on car repairs, or before removal of the compressor. The parts must be kept clean at all times and any parts to be assembled should be cleaned with a non-petroleum based solvent and dried with air. Use only lint free cloths to wipe parts. Do not allow solvent to enter compressor or hoses.1. Disconnect negative battery cable.
2. Recover refrigerant using an approved refrigerant recovery system. Measure the amount of oil lost during recovery and record.
^ Verifying the purity of the refrigerant with a refrigerant purity identifier before recovery is recommended.
^ Steps 3 through 9 are only necessary if the vehicle is equipped with secondary air pump reaction system (AIR).
3. Remove nuts from combination valve studs.
4. Remove air hose.
5. Remove vacuum source hose. (There is no need to disconnect the internal vacuum hose for this procedure.)
6. Remove combination valve and gasket from rear air compressor bracket.
7. Position combination valve and gasket away from A/C compressor bracket.
8. Remove air pipe nuts from exhaust manifold studs.
9. Remove air pipe.
10. Remove accessory drive belt from compressor clutch pulley by rotating belt tensioner clockwise using a 14 mm or 9/16 in. wrench. Snap-On(TM) tool S8190A (or equivalent) can be used.
11. Disconnect compressor clutch electrical connector.
12. Disconnect suction and discharge hoses at compressor.
13. Install plastic bags on the open end of the low and high side hoses.
14. Remove the rear compressor to bracket bolts.
15. Remove the front compressor to bracket bolts.
IMPORTANT: Keep compressor level during removal to avoid any oil loss from the low or high side ports.
16. Remove compressor.