Recall - Park Lock Cable Inspection/Adjustment: Overview
NO.: 01-C-03Non-Compliance
DATE: October 2000
CATEGORY TYPE: Transaxle-01
CATEGORY: Automatic
The Highway Safety Act, as amended, provides that each vehicle which is subject to a recall campaign of this type must be adequately repaired within a reasonable time after the owner has tendered it for repair. A failure to repair within sixty (60) days after tender of a vehicle is prima facie evidence of failure to repair within a reasonable time.
If the condition is not adequately repaired within a reasonable time, the owner may be entitled to an identical or reasonably equivalent vehicle at no charge, or to a refund of the purchase price less a reasonable allowance for depreciation.
To avoid having to provide these burdensome remedies, every effort must be made to promptly schedule an appointment with each owner and to repair their vehicle as soon as possible. As you will see in reading the attached copy of the owner letter, the owners are being instructed to contact the Saturn Customer Assistance Center if their Retailer does not remedy the condition within five (5) days of the mutually agreed upon service date. If the condition is not remedied within a reasonable time, owners are instructed on how to contact the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration.
Saturn has decided that certain 2000 and 2001 Saturn S-Series vehicles equipped with automatic transaxles fail to conform to Federal Motor Vehicle Safety Standard (FMVSS) 114, "Theft Protection." Some of these vehicles were produced with an improperly adjusted automatic transaxle park lock cable assembly. If improperly adjusted, it is possible to shift from the "park" position with the ignition key removed. This condition increases the risk of accidents resulting from the unintended movement of parked vehicles.
Saturn is asking owners and Retailers to perform a functional check of the automatic transaxle park lock cable assembly operation, and, if necessary, to have the cable adjusted. If owners are not comfortable performing the functional check themselves, they are given the option of having a Retailer do it for them.
Only selected 2000 - 2001 model year Automatic Transaxle equipped Saturn S-Series vehicles within the following VIN ranges will require this campaign.
2000 Model Year VIN Range (All Models) = YZ203155 - YZ270052
2001 Model Year VIN Range (Coupe Only) = 1Z100073 - 1Z118280
2001 Model Year VIN Range (All Models) = 1Z200001 - 1Z208464
You must verify campaign involvement through your AS400 system. It is important to note that campaign claims will only be paid on involved vehicles.
Owners of all involved vehicles will be notified of this campaign by Saturn. (Refer to the owner letter included in this bulletin.)
A list of vehicles assigned to you (Facility VIN Listing), which our records indicate were sold by or shipped to you, (or are located in close proximity to your facility) is enclosed.
This listing contains:
^ Owner's name with address and telephone number;
^ Complete vehicle identification number VIN); and
VINs of vehicles, which according to Saturn records are in retail stock.
The Facility VIN Listing (with owner information) is furnished to involved Retailers with the Product Campaign Bulletin. Although these vehicles are assigned to your facility, it is important to note that owners may elect to have their vehicle serviced at the Saturn Retail Facility of their choice.
Those Retailers not involved initially in this campaign will receive a message at the top of a blank Facility VIN Listing that states: NO VEHICLES ASSIGNED AT THIS TIME FOR CAMPAIGN 01-C-03.
All unsold vehicles in Retailers' possession and subject to this campaign must be held at the retail facility and repaired per the service procedure included in this campaign bulletin before owners take possession of these vehicles.
Retailers are to service all vehicles subject to this campaign at no charge to owners, regardless of mileage, age of vehicle, or ownership, from this time forward.
Owners of vehicles recently sold from your vehicle inventory are to be contacted by the Retailer and arrangements made to make the required correction according to the procedure contained in this bulletin.
In summary, whenever a vehicle subject to this campaign enters your vehicle inventory, or is in your retail facility for service in the future, please take the steps necessary to be sure the campaign correction has been made before selling or releasing the vehicle.
This bulletin is notice to you that the new motor vehicles included in this campaign may not comply with the standard previously identified. Under 49 U.S.C. section 30112 of the Highway Safety Act as amended, it is illegal for a retailer to sell a new motor vehicle which the retailer knows does not comply with an applicable Federal Motor Vehicle Standard. As a consequence, if you sell any of these motor vehicles without first performing the campaign correction, your retail facility may be subject to a civil penalty up to $1,100 for each such a sale.
Saturn vehicles that have been sold by you, which may be closer in proximity to another Saturn Retailer, may still appear on your Facility VIN Listing. If either you or the vehicle owner determines that it is more desirable for a vehicle on your Facility VIN Listing to be serviced by another Saturn Retailer, or if the customer's address has recently changed, campaign responsibility may be transferred by completing the following:
^ Submit a Campaign Vehicle Action Report to your Customer Assistance Manager (CAM) at the Saturn Customer Assistance Center.
- OR -
^ Submit an update in owner information to the Saturn Owner of Record system, via SERVICELINE XL, for Saturn Customer Assistance Center review and approval.
A copy of the Campaign Vehicle Action Report is included for your reference. Additional copies can be ordered from Saturn Publications (1-800-828-2112, prompt 3, Item # S0397050). All changes to campaign responsibility will be reflected in your next Unfixed VIN Report.
All other changes in vehicle status (e.g., scrapped, stolen, etc.) are to be made in accordance with section 4.4.3 of the Retailer Service Reference Guide, "Notifying Saturn of Vehicle Status Change."
No parts are required to perform this campaign.
As you know, Saturn's success hinges upon our ability to execute superior customer support throughout the ownership experience, especially when important corrective actions such as this are required.
It is imperative that every effort is made to accommodate the affected owners. Additionally, priority should be given to customer vehicles over retail inventory vehicles. If you have any questions, please coordinate with the Saturn Customer Assistance Center to help ensure customer satisfaction.
Upon completion of the campaign, a Campaign Completion Label and a Clear Protective Cover should be affixed on a clean, dry surface of the radiator core support in an area clearly visible when the hood is raised. Each label provides a space to print in ink (or type) the campaign number (01C03) and the five (5) digit facility code of the Retailer performing the campaign service.
As a reminder, additional labels may be ordered from Saturn publications (1-800-828-2112, prompt 3, Item # S03 00013A for the Campaign Completion Label, and item # S03 00013B for the Clear Protective Cover).
1. Set parking brake.
2. Ensure that shift lever is in "P" (Park) position.
3. Remove ignition key from ignition switch.
4. Depress shift lever button and use normal effort to attempt to move shift lever out of "P" (Park) position.
^ If shift lever can be moved out of "P" (Park) position, please contact your local Saturn Retailer to schedule an appointment to have your vehicle serviced.
^ If shift lever cannot be moved out of "P" (Park) position, please complete section #6 of the postage paid card, sign it, and return it to Saturn Corporation.
You must complete and return the enclosed postage paid card. This will ensure you do not continue to receive notification of this campaign on your vehicle.
If you have any questions, please contact your local Saturn Retailer or the Saturn Customer Assistance Center at 1-800-553-6000 prompt 3, or for the hearing impaired, 1-800-833-6000.